Sentences with phrase «transform upon reflection»

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I envision such centers as organic - cybernetic institutions with sensors bringing information from all important sources where the future is being formed and in turn feeding back the results of reflections upon these influences to places where visions of desirable futures could be transformed into programs of action.
In the case of a «speculative system» which fuses historically obsolete cosmologies, Whitehead's repeated and in fact passionate emphasis that the «elucidation of immediate experience is the sole justification for any thought» (PR 4/6) seems not at all able to be brought into some coherent association, Whitehead's reflection that we could ask ourselves «whether the type of thought involved [in his cosmology] be not a transformation of some main doctrines of Absolute Idealism onto a realistic basis» (PR xiii / viii) may hit not only upon the widespread skepticism with regard to the «main doctrines of Absolute Idealism» in general, but also, in particular, upon doubts concerning their ability to be transformed «onto a realistic basis.»
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