Sentences with phrase «transforming economies and societies»

The main goal of this session is to initiate discussions among different generations of researchers on the challenges of transforming economies and societies in Southeast - European countries.
These nations must urgently make the deepest emission cuts and completely transform their economies and societies to deliver climate and social justice, according to Friends of the Earth International.
It is counterproductive because it is inextricably linked to intimations of catastrophe and progressive ambitions to transform economies and societies parading as philosophies of limits of one kind or another.
Underlying the politics of global warming is the big lie — the fabrication of the narrative as a stalking horse for ambitions to transform economies and society.

Not exact matches

The said meeting also unanimously resolved to build: «A restructured, balanced equitable and truly functional Nigerian Federation,» a umane, free, seIf - reliant and democratic society; «a dynamic, productive, transformed and sustainable economy; «a just, fair, egalitarian and peaceful nation, «a land of bright and full of opportunities for all Nigerians; and, a national culture of raising good leaders through effective mentoring;
slavick has explored feminism, body politics, the personal as political, familial relations, memory, alternative histories, memorials, the global economy, contemporary workers, travel / tourist photography, how the media (mis) represents the world, the U.S. military and exported violence, Hiroshima and our post-nuclear world and how art can transform society through her art projects, teaching and activism.
This activity report is based on the Asia and the Pacific megatrends, such as urbanization, economic and trade integration and rising incomes and changing consumption patterns, which are transforming its societies and economies while multiplying the environmental challenges.
It is this, what I am calling «secondary», moral responsibility that can be the basis of action as citizens and consumers start upon the road of transforming societies and economies.
There are rational responses to the issue — but they are about is transforming societies and economies.
At NWEI, we focus on how we can transform current systems — the economy, our education system, our justice system, our food system — to ones that promote a more equitable, just and peaceful society.
Whole economies may be transformed if it's cheaper to print products near where they're sold instead of importing from faraway lands, and the effects on society don't end there.
Moving swiftly towards a Cashless India with a mission statement as follows «The Digital India programme is a flagship programme of the Government of India with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.
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