Sentences with phrase «transition from fossil fuels»

The great energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy is under way.
While it is becoming cheaper and cheaper to produce and use solar energy, the cost of transitioning from fossil fuels is still very real.
However, the challenge of a full transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is more daunting when it comes to petroleum.
As the electricity sector becomes cleaner through increased use of renewables and smart grid technologies, it provides a pathway to transition from fossil fuel use to electricity in new buildings.
We must rapidly transition from fossil fuels to 100 % renewable energy, replacing fossil fuel jobs with jobs in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
I am certainly not opposed to transitioning from fossil fuels into renewable energy sources.
In this case we have a way to fully transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy by 2050.
The modern transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy in the electric industry is primarily to wind and solar power (with biomass and geothermal looming on the horizon).
Outside of the climate talks, there is great public support for the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables.
«Hillary Clinton: We Can Set the Example For Transitioning from Fossil Fuels Main It's «Dirty Energy Week» in the House of Representatives»
We are coming together to demand a just and necessary transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, to reduce consumption by our families and communities and to actively embrace a high quality - low footprint lifestyle.
Lester spoke on transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy, the focus of his forthcoming book, The Great Transition: Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind Power.
«This ground - breaking facility leads Aberdeen's ongoing transition from fossil fuels to renewables, and reinforces Scotland's global energy status.
Trudeau's about - face is rooted in the Liberal vision of a global economy at the beginning of a decades - long transition from fossil fuels to clean energy technology, says Jim Carr, minister of natural resources.
Musk has a financial incentive for wanting the U.S. to start thinking progressively about transitioning from fossil fuel.
Hawkins praised Stein's Green New Deal, a proposed plan that aims to create 20 million new jobs by transitioning from fossil fuel - based infrastructure to 100 % clean renewable energy by 2030, while also investing in improved public transportation and community - based agriculture.
Techno - economic Performance Evaluation of Hybridized CSP - PV and CCGT - PV Power Plants — A Case Study in UAE for a Smooth Transition from Fossil Fuel Based Generation
Only with renewables can the EU transition from fossil fuel dependence to energy supply security and sustainability
Starting in late 2017 the Fossil Free campaign entered a new phase by expanding the range of tools and tactics it uses to help accelerate a fair transition from fossil fuels to 100 % renewables for all.
There would be a very rapid transition from fossil fuels to 100 % renewable energy, starting with an orderly closure of our most carbon intensive power stations and assisted by just transition pathways for displaced workers.
Since beginning the great Energiewende transition from fossil fuels and nuclear energy, Germany has gone from strength to strength, leading the EU in both economic growth and emissions reduction as it moves toward a clean energy future.
So why risk accelerating things when we can try spurring an orderly transition from fossil fuels?
Every day, more homeowners are choosing to transition from fossil fuel based electricity and move toward going 100 % clean energy at home.»
Convinced that an energy transition from fossil fuels to green energy is under way, the federal government hasn't seemed too concerned about the decline of Canadian oil and gas.
Environmental activists typically argue that events like Harvey and Irma should frighten us into redoubling our climate mitigation efforts — taking steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as rapidly transitioning from fossil fuels to clean energy, for example — to reduce the risk of future catastrophic storms.
Wind power has been a key pillar of Germany's ongoing transition from a fossil fuel - and nuclear - powered economy to one that runs renewable energy.
We need to significantly reduce global warming pollution here at home — to take care of this collective place we hold dear, and also to show the world that a just transition from fossil fuels is possible.
Turns out they understand widely that the Leap Manifesto's call for a full transition from fossil fuels to green energy by 2050 is not just based on science and technologically possible — it is necessary and beneficial.
«Building on Ottawa's earlier commitments to set a national carbon price, establish a clean fuel standard and to phase out traditional coal power, these measures will help Canada make the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy.
In every region but Alberta, a majority favours a transition from fossil fuels.
Survey also shows most Canadians support a transition from fossil fuel reliance as quickly as possible, including half in Alberta OTTAWA — New public opinion research found that roughly 20 million Canadian adults (69 per cent) heard something about the recent First Ministers» Meeting on climate — including 9 million who heard either a lot or a fair bit...
While Germany's official Energiewende strategy calls for a transition from fossil fuel and nuclear energy to renewable energy, and reduction of emissions by 40 percent by 2020 compared to 1990 levels, the recently formed German government is more conservative than the previous governments.
Survey also shows most Canadians support a transition from fossil fuel reliance as quickly as possible, including half in Alberta
Many communities in other parts of the country are also grappling with a transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy.
Audience question: Big oil and big coal argue that the transition from a fossil fuel — based economy to a clean - energy economy will come at a severe economic cost in the form of jobs.
As we continue to transition from fossil fuels to low emission energy sources, new battery technologies will be needed for new applications and more efficient energy storage.
The electric trucks being unveiled by Tesla and co will speed the transition from fossil fuels.
Natural gas is playing an increasingly important role in meeting U.S. and global energy needs and could serve as a «bridge fuel» for countries as they transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy resources.
Whether it's swapping your car for an electric vehicle, or your natural gas furnace for geothermal heating, transitioning from fossil fuels to electric - powered technology is widely believed to be the best way to lower carbon emissions.
What's clear, though, is that the future of the Great Barrier Reef will be shaped by how rapidly the world can transition from fossil fuels to cleaner sources of energy, which was the overarching goal of a United Nations climate pact agreed to in Paris in December.
The hummingbird challenges us to organize, to hold our political leaders and global industries accountable and demand that they, and we, accept the potential difficulties, even sacrifices, that we'll have to make to transition from a fossil fuel - based and extractive global system to one that's organized around genuine sustainability and responsibility.
The transition from fossil fuels to clean energy represents the largest wealth creation opportunity of our generation.
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