Sentences with phrase «transition to a clean energy future»

CCS technology could potentially play an important role in transitioning to a clean energy future, if significant cost, technical, legal and environmental challenges can be overcome.
We believe that this style of hybrid configuration will be increasingly used, particularly in remote locations and emerging markets, as the world transitions to a clean energy future.
This can help the United States to meet ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets while minimizing the cost of transitioning to a clean energy future.
The American Lung Association supports the phase out of conventional coal - fired power plants as the nation transitions to a clean energy future.
Synapse used NREL's Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) model to compare the costs of the United States transitioning to a Clean Energy Future with business ‐ as ‐ usual costs.
Countries like Germany, states like California and cities like Vienna are already proving that we can transition to a clean energy future now.
It has been argued that a scenario phasing out carbon emissions fast enough to stabilize climate this century, limiting further warming to a maximum of several tenths of a degree Celsius, is still possible, but it would require a rising price on carbon emissions sufficient to spur transition to a clean energy future without burning all fossil fuels (33).
By exploring these interdependencies, this paper argues that the transition to a clean energy future can not be separated from the important goal of building a fairer and more just society.»
New York State Energy and Finance Chairman Richard Kauffman said, «Local community and municipal leaders play a critical role in our transition to a clean energy future and our pathway to meeting the Governor's aggressive 50 percent by 2030 renewables commitment.
As part of the transition to a clean energy future, the American Lung Association supports providing assistance to retrain coal industry workers and to help impacted communities transition to other economic opportunities.
Our overarching principles call for the implementation of effective air quality programs and standards, transitioning to a clean energy future, with a commitment to promote environmental justice.
Scientists, environmental leaders and hundreds of thousands of citizens across the country had urged the president to take action to protect critical habitat from oil spills, to aid the transition to a clean energy future and to help the United States meet the carbon reduction goals necessary to avert the worst effects of global climate change.
In his keynote address, Dr Birol focused on several G20 energy priorities: enhancing energy access, the transition to a cleaner energy future and the energy sector investment challenge.
These outdated utility financial incentives inhibit the transition to a clean energy future, increase consumer costs, and hinder investment in new technologies.
Your support is reducing CO2 emissions today and spurring investment tomorrow to help drive down the costs and hasten the transition to a clean energy future.
We, all of us, believe that a transition to a clean energy future isn't just about ending pollution, it's also an opportunity to ensure that the new energy economy shares its wealth more equitably than the fossil fueled economic oligarchy we're trying to leave behind.
«Eschewing the piecemeal, poll - tested «all of the above» energy strategies of the past, O'Malley has made clear that he will use the full force of his executive power to make the transition to a clean energy future the number one priority of our federal government,» Smith wrote.
You will help the environment, fight global warming, and help make the transition to a clean energy future possible.
Some of the most important names in renewable energy and environmentalism are turning to the business community and electric utilities to help stave off climate change and transition to a clean energy future.
Without a doubt as the cost of battery storage falls, we see solar and storage becoming a «category killer» in the energy sector and accelerating Australia's transition to a clean energy future
The move is winning fans in the climate community, but less so among the the Big Polluters trying desperately to stop the transition to a clean energy future.
The Emirate's model as illustrated in Figure 3 is becoming a benchmark for the transition to a clean energy future in a region historically perceived as a synonym for «oil».
The Fine Print Despite all of this real world progress, the Lima text failed to take obvious steps to incentivize the transition to a clean energy future, steps like putting a price on carbon, eliminating perverse fossil fuel subsidies and increasing support for developing countries to leapfrog to modern, low - carbon economies.
The states represented here today have long been working hard to sound the alarm, to put smart policies in place, to speed our transition to a clean energy future, and to stop power plants from emitting millions of tons of dangerous global - warming pollution into our air.»
Taking action sooner rather than later means that the transition to a clean energy future can be more gradual, manageable and affordable.
«Being a nonprofit allows us to focus solely on our mission: reduce greenhouse gasses, fighting global warming, hastening the transition to a clean energy future.
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