Sentences with phrase «transitional life phase»

In this transitional life phase, I've found new hobbies (I started hand - lettering, watching how - to videos on DSLR photography, going to the shooting range — next up, actually going to classes for these hobbies where I can meet new people at said classes) and hung out with co-workers outside the workplace.

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When you're in a transitional phase in life, which may include the entire decade of your twenties and maybe your thirties too, you have to say goodbye to a lot...
For a team like Monaco who lives on transitional opportunities, it must act quickly enough such that they can enter the offensive phase BEFORE the other team enters the defensive phase.
Furthermore, it is now clear that all kinds of crying (i.e. fussing, crying and inconsolable crying) is prolonged, that this prolongation occurs only in the first few months, and that inconsolable crying is almost unique to the first few months of life.3, 40 The «unpredictability» of the crying, and of the caregiver's ability or inability to soothe the infant is most likely due to the facts that (1) the infant cry in the first few months is a reflection of the organization of its behavioural states (crying, awake alert, sleeping), rather than an intentional «signal,» 14 (2) that behavioural state changes occur in «steps» rather than due to increases or decreases in arousal7, 41 and (3) infants are resistant to behavioural state change unless they are in a transitional phase in which they are «ready» to change state.7 Finally, there is now good evidence that the proportion of infants that have evidence of organic disease to explain their crying is less than 5 %.8, 42,43 In the absence of other compromise, infants with «colic» have as good an outcome as infants without «colic.»
While the professional life of Spanish academics broadly goes through the four traditional phases of predoctoral researcher (Ayudante), postdoctoral researcher (Ayudante Doctor), lecturer, and finally permanent research staff, it is early stage and transitional stage career scientists which have been identified as the most vulnerable.
Your life doesn't stop because one aspect of it is in a transitional phase.
You'll get the most out of your café position if you view it as a transitional phase in your life, where you can gain some useful professional experiences, before you find work that's more suitable for you
Case Management for youth placed in housing, such as the transitional living program, Bridges Phase 2, in which consistent and scheduled meetings were held with client, intake process performed, and assistance in achieving goals set by clients took place.
Self - worth is particularly important during the transitional phases in a young person's life.
My areas of specialty include relationship issues, depression, anxiety, phase - of - life / transitional issues, trauma / PTSD, family of origin issues, low self esteem, and grief / loss.
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