Sentences with phrase «transitioning away»

By transitioning away from HFC technology in the short term, these companies could do their part for the climate, through direct emissions reductions and increased energy efficiency.
Now, one of the ways America is leading is by transitioning away from dirty energy sources that threaten our health and our environment, and by going all - in on clean, renewable energy sources like wind and solar.
The way forward is to ensure climate action at home by pushing for greater nationally determined (NDCs), transitioning away from coal to renewable energy and committing to a low - carbon development pathway within the context of just transition.
But it will require transitioning away from fossil - fuel - based infrastructure over the next few decades, he said.
Yes, China is reducing the number of coal - stations but not because it's transitioning away from coal, instead the new dynamics are a signal of a more developed economy.
Now is the time for the OTPP to live up to that commitment and recognize that creating a better future for teachers (and their students) depends on us transitioning away from carbon pollution industries in the very near future.
We're transitioning away from centralised, cheap but dirty power stations, but we're not replacing these stations with sources that are just as stable.»
Oshawa is transitioning away from heavy manufacturing towards service - based enterprises, prompted by growth in the education sector and improvements to the transit infrastructure, and accompanied by residential development in the north and infill construction of condominiums and warehouses downtown.
Blizzard announced today that it is starting the process of «transitioning away» from using that name for its gaming services.
«We're going to be transitioning away from using the name for our gaming service and the functionality connected to it.
Here are the big points and miles stories from around the web to catch up on: My best advice for those transitioning away from their debit card is to start with a 2 % cash back card (for the most simplicity) or a Chase Sapphire Reserve (to maximize rewards).
My best advice for those transitioning away from their debit card is to start with a 2 % cash back card (for the most simplicity) or a Chase Sapphire Reserve (to maximize rewards).
His theory has been distilled by others and spread widely to the public as something akin to the following: An investment portfolio should be a balance between publicly - traded stocks and bonds, starting with a ratio of 70:30, transitioning away from stocks and into bonds as the investor gets older.
JF: My coauthor, Betty Sargent, and I have been talking for several years about the way book publishing is transitioning away from the centralized establishments of traditional publishing, adapting to new technologies that have brought book publishing within the reach of anyone.
Public libraries are increasingly transitioning away from our traditional model to less specifically defined public spaces, such as the «community center» library.
Following weeks of equally worse news for Research in Motion, one of its oldest hardware manufacturing partners in Celestia, which is also based in Canada has announced in a formal but terse press release that the firm will be transitioning away from manufacturing devices developed by former partner Research in Motion.
Illustrations are sparse, but since the writing is so engaging and straight - forward, these are fantastic starter - books for transitioning away from picture books.
The state is transitioning away from Common Core standards to new Indiana State Standards, and the previous plan was to give the current ISTEP test along with another test that would be specific to the new standards, to try it out as a pilot.
Meanwhile, the states are transitioning away from policies established under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and toward the new standards of the Every Student Succeeds Act.
One of the big misconceptions about transitioning away from textbooks is that teachers have to create their own textbook.
Zac Efron remains in a bit of a limbo state transitioning away from his
Zac Efron remains in a bit of a limbo state transitioning away from his High School Musical and 17 Again days, and Neighbors is certainly a deliberate cut away from his teen heartthrob roots.
Thank you so much for this, we are transitioning away from additives and preservatives and it was impossible to find a coconut milk that fit the bill I'll be making this weekly from now on... and I'm making the coconut flour next!!
I wanted a new bag to kick off the year as I start transitioning away from winter colors towards lighter, spring colors (although it's still freezing here).
In the first 3 weeks, Jessica transitioned from a low - carb diet to a low - fat diet, plant - based, whole - food lifestyle, by significantly increasing her intake of fruits and vegetables and reducing her intake of animal products.Initially, she was nervous that eating carbohydrate - rich foods would dramatically increase her insulin use, but despite this she started her program with an open mind, hopeful to experience positive change transitioning away from a low - carb diet.
My nutritional approach includes teaching dietary changes that are based off of eating real, whole foods and transitioning away from processed foods.
Developing a healthy sense of connection with others is incredibly therapeutic when transitioning away from addictive habits.
Experts say transitioning away from trans fats is not only life - saving, but financially viable as well.
The first step in transitioning away from sugary (and artificially sugary) drinks is to become cognizant of ingredients.
Some conservative policy experts who support climate action express limited optimism that the GOP candidates are slowly transitioning away from attacking the science directly.
Whether for supersonic fighter jets or commercial airliners, the aviation world has begun a quest for the fuel of the future, transitioning away from petroleum - derived JP - 8 and Jet A varieties to Fischer - Tropsch synthetics or biofuels.
Cuomo, meanwhile, is pushing the state toward transitioning away from fossil fuels and toward using more renewable energies in the coming decade.
I'll be finishing up at my current gig at the National Women's Law Center through April 5th, but I'm transitioning away steadily and am already starting to fill up the consulting hopper.
This is usually a good stage for transitioning away from swaddling, perhaps at first by wrapping the body securely, but leaving the arms out.
Painter used to be more like that, but it working on transitioning away from it.
The problem is, with so many tempting prepared foods available, and so much conflicting nutrition information everywhere you look, transitioning away from processed foods to really pure, clean food is not so easy for many families.
We are transitioning away from plastics, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
I've gradually been transitioning away from yeast breads in favor of those that rely on a combination of an acidic milk paired with baking soda and / or baking powder.
The author of Hebrews intentionally subverts the sacrificial elements of the Mosaic covenant by transitioning away from images of blood and death, and writing instead about offerings and purification.
What's the long - term outlook for crude oil as the global economy is slowly transitioning away from fossil fuels to alternative energy?
«Accounting firms and businesses all over the world are transitioning away from paper - based processes and offline applications, and into the cloud.
«A modern electricity system must be reliable, affordable and clean — and on these measures the Alberta government is delivering a responsible approach to transitioning away from coal - fired power.»
Third, and most importantly, the tone during Best Buy's post-earnings conference call was that the company is transitioning away from «outsized gains in its operating margin rate» and will now see slower growth moving forward.
His theory has been distilled by others and spread widely to the public as something akin to the following: An investment portfolio should be a balance between publicly - traded stocks and bonds, starting with a ratio of 70:30, transitioning away from stocks and into bonds as the investor gets older.
Instead, it intends to sustain its current production of 27 million tons for the next five years by transitioning away from its Coal Mountain and Cardinal River mines and replacing that production by bringing on additional output from the Elk Valley region.
The Alternative Reference Rate Commission, a group of industry representatives convened by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, has established a timetable for transitioning away from the use of...
Being an athlete is central to the identity of most Olympians, and transitioning away from training and competing can be daunting.
As schools transition away from paper, textbooks, and projectors, there's a growing opportunity for startups to create new tools geared toward educators.
I encourage Premier Notley, and all of Alberta, to follow this first step with continued bold action to transition away from fossil fuels.»
Underwood was vegetarian for a while, and then transitioned away from dairy when she realized she «had a lactose intolerant thing,» she told Oprah.
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