Sentences with phrase «transmission of infection»

The wider implication of this situation is that in almost six percent of cases in 2008, the route of transmission of infection was from mother to child.
Every intimate contact makes us vulnerable in all sorts of ways not only through transmission of infection but also psychologically and in our personal identity.
At delivery, that care disparity manifested with only about half of women having their HIV viral levels suppressed — an outcome that physicians and public health officials target to prevent transmission of the infection.
Good hand hygiene, achieved through hand washing with soap and warm running water, is considered to be the single most important practice in reducing transmission of infection [1] as hands can harbour over 150 species of bacteria.
Other potential risks include transmission of infection, such as HIV, hepatitis C and B — of particular concern when non-medical practitioners administer the treatment — and there are theoretical concerns about long term skin cancer risk.
Therefore, dog exhibiting other symptoms should be isolated, and clothing, equipment, surfaces, and hands should be cleaned and disinfected after exposure to prevent transmission of infection.
The researchers hope that understanding the level of virus needed for transmission of infection will provide a useful reference point for the development of experimental drugs and vaccines and could be used to inform the endpoints for clinical trials evaluating such interventions.
Although baby is sealed away in the amniotic sac, transmissions of infections and diseases can and do happen.
Lung damage causes both transmission of infection and mortality.
Stricter controls over their containment and screening for disease would not only reduce the transmission of infections, but would also reduce competition between native and commercial bees, says Dawson.
As Kirschner puts it, «An individual may have hundreds of latent granulomas, but if just one becomes activated it could spread in the lungs and without treatment lead to death or transmission of infection to others.»
Professor David Goldberg, lead of the team implementing Scotland's hepatitis C Action Plan (2008 - 2011), said: «This study demonstrates that, in a country like Scotland which has a Government seriously committed to the improvement of hepatitis C services, increasing patient access to antiviral therapy could potentially have a major impact in the prevention of transmission of infection
Clothing, equipment, surfaces, and hands should be cleaned and disinfected after exposure to dogs showing signs of respiratory disease to prevent transmission of infection to susceptible dogs.
Transmission of infection: Fleas carry bacteria and parasites that can infect both pets and people, including:
Dog owners should be taught to clean and disinfect clothing, equipment, surfaces and hands after exposure to dogs showing signs of respiratory disease to prevent transmission of infection to susceptible dogs.26
How can the transmission of the infections best be managed?
With both of these worms, eggs passed in the faeces can be ingested (eaten) by another cat leading to transmission of infection.
«In addition to live prey, eviscerated tissues (gut piles) from hunted deer and black bears would be a source of infection for wild cats... Prevalence of T. gondii in wild game and venison in the USA is very high and hunters need to be aware of the risk of transmission of infection to humans and, more importantly, spread of infection in the environment.
However, the transmission of infection is not from pigs to people, but it is from person to person.
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