Sentences with phrase «transmission over the grid»

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The Bonneville Power Administration, which controls electrical transmission in the American side of the Columbia River basin (and supplies a chunk of B.C.'s power under the Columbia River Treaty), has over the past month ordered wind power producers to curtail their production so as not to overload the grid and harm fish.
It used to be that electricity was carried almost exclusively from big power plants over transmission lines, dumped into distribution grids, and then dumped into buildings, to be used by relatively dumb appliances.
The Commission has estimated that transmission grid system peak demand will be between 2,477 - 2,500 megawatts, which is about 8.5 percent growth over what was projected for 2015.
Saying the country's grid would remain «controllable,» the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) urged states to approve more than a dozen new coal and gas plants and transmission upgrades over the next several years.
With wind forecasting, changes in wind energy output are factored into grid operations much like variations in demand — both change over a matter of 30 minutes or even hours (not a matter of seconds, such as when fossil - fuelled or nuclear plants experience an unexpected outage, or a tree falls on a transmission line).
The traditional energy grid system has been structured around one - way power flow from power plants traveling over transmission and distribution lines to homes and businesses.
India's grid operator plans to spend one trillion rupees ($ 15 billion) over the next few years to add nine new high - capacity transmission corridors — a sizable fraction of the $ 50 billion that Goyal has said will go to modernize the grid over the next decade.
Over the years, grid - connected battery storage has been used in various ways, including for energy arbitrage, generation capacity deferral, ancillary services, ramping, transmission and distribution capacity deferral, and end - user applications — which entail managing energy costs, power quality and service reliability, and renewable curtailment.
We've gone over the need for better electric transmission on a number of occasions, but this is how OTI describes a genius grid: Genius Grid = Smart Grid + Using Legacy Technology Where Appropriate
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