Sentences with phrase «transmit pain sensations»

Subluxations can manifest as pain, but since only a small portion of spinal nerves transmit pain sensations they are often unnoticeable by the individual.
An epidural involves injecting local anesthetic into the spinal column so the nerves can't transmit pain sensations to the brain.

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Previous research by Lee's lab had shown that p75 is involved in a signaling pathway that regulates the development of sensory neurons — cells which transmit our sensation of pain, touch and muscle tension — in the dorsal root ganglia.
Each nerve in mammalian arms and legs contains multiple sensory neurons (nerve cells) transmitting pain and other sensations such as touch or feeling to the spinal cord.
Like morphine, Tramadol binds to and blocks receptors in the brain (opioid receptors) that are important for transmitting the sensation of pain throughout the body.
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