Sentences with phrase «transmitted via air»

The virus is transmitted via air or contact with bodily fluids.

Not exact matches

So far, however, there is no indication that Ebola is mutating in a way that could allow it to make the leap from becoming transmissible via contact with body fluids (as it is now) to become a germ that could be transmitted by breathing the same air, according to WHO.
The presence of bee - associated bacteria in bagged flowers suggests the bacteria may be transmitted to flowers via plant surfaces, the air or small insects, he said.
These secretions are then transmitted through the air via a cough or sneeze, or they are transmitted directly to another dog through nose - to - nose or mouthto mouth contact.
When droplets containing the virus or bacteria responsible for kennel cough are expelled into the air by an infected dog's cough, they are transmitted to other dogs via inhaled air.
Though a few of the manufacturers with hacked locks claim they encrypt a user's password when it's transmitted via Bluetooth, Rose and Ramsey still reported having the ability to swipe the password out of thin air before sending it back to the lock itself.
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