Sentences with phrase «transparent atmosphere»

That's the mechanism that would create a near adiabatic temperature profile in the atmosphere in a perfectly transparent atmosphere on a spherical planet.
No doubt, with an IR transparent atmosphere and a dry planet, the lapse rate would stay close to the stable dry adiabatic.
Vertical convection would not arise in a transparent atmosphere under constant insolation.
But we know that in a transparent atmosphere Su = Fo.
Visible sunlight passes through our transparent atmosphere to warm the Earth's land and oceans, and some of this heat is reradiated in infrared form.
During his time in the role Garcia has created an open and transparent atmosphere in the office, ensuring all employees keep each other updated and aware of the matters that they encounter on a daily basis.
Discussions are held in a private, respectful, and transparent atmosphere, and other professionals are brought in as needed to tend to the parties» financial and emotional needs.
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