Sentences with phrase «transparent form»

Mostly, if you have a darker wallpaper, the notifications look appealing in transparent form.
When you build your house you purchase enough water to fill the inner transparent form, which takes the shape of an arch.
It maintained an open ledger in which daily transactions were published live and in transparent form.
He was also vindicated after the fact, when almost immediately after Ms. O'Neill became president of TREB, she claims that a sales rep brought phantom offers to her attention, and thereafter called for a task force to examine more transparent forms of bid registration.
Freelance workers and independent contractors who wish to create a more transparent form of communication with their clients are the ones who use video resumes the most, and thus these work as a sort of alternative form of face - to - face interactive interview.
That being said, Bitcoin is also one of the most transparent forms of transferring money, and should not be treated differently compared to traditional means such as fiat currency.
Fittingly called «Monopoly Money,» the authors of the study — Priya Raghubir from New York University and Joydeep Srivastava from the University of Maryland — say, ``... using a less transparent form of payment such as a credit card or a gift card lowers the vividness with which one feels that one is parting with real money, thereby encouraging spending....»
In 1976 Jean - Luc Godard, Jean - Pierre Gorin and Anne - Marie Miéville made Ici et Ailleurs (Here and Elsewhere), planned as a pro-Palestinian documentary comparing the lives of one French and one Palestinian family, but expanding out to question its own ostensibly transparent form.
Sprawling across two gallery walls, the monumental black - and - white installation contains traces of markings typically found in Rodriguez's abstract work: solid rectangles juxtaposed against flattened transparent forms and ghosts of rectangles hovering in the distance.
Gene, if that's an excuse to pretend that the quotes I provided don't show that Christians do exactly what you accuse atheists of as well, then you're committing a «no true Scotsman» fallacy in its most transparent form.
Ms. O'Neill advises the task force's mandate will include an examination of a more transparent form of bid registration and then offers a personal opinion that undermines the task force's eventual findings.
It's this same idea that NASA is hoping to recreate in transparent form, so it can cover everything from space suits to robotic vehicles in a dust repellent coating.According to PhysOrg, researchers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD are working with Northrop Grumman Electronics Systems and nGimat Corporation to develop the coating.
Receptive Leadership Zappos famously shook up their corporate structure, switching to a more free flowing and transparent form of management, and while it's yet to be determined if this was the right move, it does highlight a significant trend when it comes to what millennials expect.
What's getting everyone's attention is the ability to capture these potential sources of return in a low cost and transparent form — and we all like the potential to get more for less.
He further pledged to offer Ghanaians an accountable and transparent form of governance.»
BPA is used in the production of a hard and transparent form of polycarbonate plastic used to create food and drink containers and other consumer goods.
What's getting everyone's attention is the ability to capture these potential sources of return in a low cost and transparent form — and we all like the potential to get more for less.
For the study Montauk, L.I., Ellen Phelan employs the physical properties of gouache, an opaque rather than transparent form of watercolor, to achieve atmospheric effects.
In two related works, Yellow Curtain and Strands (Pink Curtain), the background color acts like a light box, illuminating the transparent forms from behind, analogous to an x-ray image.
The work evokes a transparent form that extends into a landscape, only to be forced to turn back in on itself, held within the earth's black embrace.
In 1983, I crocheted around a shoe, removed the shoe, and discovered that I had created a transparent form.
The loop, done in profuse repetition, gave her the freedom to make a range of transparent forms and to contain other transparent forms within them.
The shifting, transparent forms, planes and colors of Tactile See - Through, 1974, continue to engage in amaze.
«Rainbow Girls,» this recent exhibition of Ghada Amer's new work, tethered a porn - suffused AbEx «allover» to a sculpture of transparent form.
While working in Italy in the 1950s, she devised a «Kiln Fusing» technique that joined Murano glass with copper, resulting in twisted and transparent forms she dubbed Fusions.
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