Sentences with phrase «treat teachers like»

Treat teachers like professionals (An interview with Richard Ingersoll).
Treat teachers like professionals.»
We have to treat teachers like the professionals they are.
Hopefully schools like Friendship will light a fire to treat all teachers like professionals, let them work together and bring out their passion and JOY.
«Short - term, replacement strategies,» the report says, «treat teachers like interchangeable, expendable parts rather than as young professionals meriting sustained investments in their development as part of a community of expert, experienced, teachers.»
Unsurprisingly, they tend to favor the idea that it's better to «treat teachers like professionals» than to «regularly remove poorly performing teachers.»
What is needed is a competitive certification process that establishes key criteria for entry into the teaching profession; gives public schools greater freedom to hire and fire teachers; and treats teachers like professionals and their schools like professional institutions by allowing them to tailor professional development to meet the needs of teachers.
If we don't want our kids taught by slavish, debased drones, then we need to stop treating teachers like slavish, debased drones.»
Modern day reformist ideology runs the gamut and for most of us it isn't about treating teachers like dirt.

Not exact matches

Another adopted child felt treated differently by her teacher; the teacher made comments like: «You think because you've gone through one experience in your life [the adoption], you've paid all your dues.»
Several quarterbacks have admitted that doctoring footballs is to them what sneaking candy bars into a movie theater is to you, and the Colts are being treated like the kid who snitches to the teacher and ruins the fun for everyone.
Over the years, I have pulled many of the Sunday school teachers and youth workers in my children's lives aside to ask them to treat my children like any other kid in the youth group.
Posters from a government office urged that girls and boys be treated alike in every possible particular: teachers should not say things like: «I need two strong boys to help carry this table.»
Or they might not like the way their child treats them, their siblings, or their teachers at school.
In school, securely attached children were more well - liked and treated better, by both their peers and their teachers.
so i went to eat lunch with my boys to see these teachers and unqualified volunteers treating these 5and 7 year olds like 27 yr old army men & women... i left wondering where is the respect the ask of our children to be returned to our children....
On the other hand, I really believe our teachers are underpaid, that if you're a great teacher and you can produce great results, then you are to be treated like a superstar.
I would advice that No parent bring there children to this Daycare it is Pure Nasty roaches are everywhere they actually are dining with the children during lunch time, the mats that the kids nap on or stored in a out of order rest room storage closet, they almost never sanitize, and kids stay sick with lice, hand, foot, and mouth high fevers etc, not to mention they Do nt provide kids with a well balanced meal «ask to see menu» upon tour, they also have one of the highest turn over as far as the teachers goes» no experience «needed to care for your child, they are literally there to babysit, kids do nt learn a thing and are treated like crap, so while the price may be durable does this sound like somewhere you would want to send your love ones?
In essence, that means government officials are treating the growing healthcare costs for retired cops, teachers, garbage collectors and firefighters like a credit card bill that no one wants to pay off.
«We can hit the pause button, so that teachers are treated fairly, like students are treated,» Magee said.
«In those days, teachers treat students like their own children.
Charter school teachers need a union for the same reason as other teachers — to have a voice, to be able to advocate for students without fear of losing their jobs, and to be treated like the professionals they are.
One teacher claimed, «if you get put in a Set 6 class, you get treated like a Set 6 pupil».
I wonder if practicing «at my level of comfort» may not be an ideal phrasing... Perhaps «I understand that I have the right to listen to my body and practice in accordance with my body's needs in order to remain safe» or something like that may be less limiting (no growth in the comfort zone)... also... I agree with everything relating to the student teacher relationship but I think it could be stated more succintly — my body and mind are my own and I can expect to be treated with respect and grace physically, mentally, spiritually at all times.
For new teachers, understanding how to land a position — and make sure they are treated well and compensated fairly — can feel like a mystery, and many 200 - hour graduates struggle to find opportunities to put their new skills to use.
I'm good looking, Funny, with positive attitude, Teacher and at the same time gooing to college to be anurse, looking for nice doctor who extremily goog, big heart and mind with positive attitude.and professional.Who treat woman like queen.
What happened to the good old days of having a psycho slasher appear out of the woods without cynical teenagers treating Mr. Axe Murderer like a foddy teacher?
Teachers will often be tempted to treat gameplay like a special time because of the energy that a game can bring to the classroom environment.
Despite current cries of a national «teacher shortage,» districts act like the laws of supply and demand don't apply to teachers, and they treat teachers as if they're immune to financial incentives.
The Italian Adventures of an «Average, Every - Day Teacher» Educator Brenda Dyck shares news of a recent 3 - day journey to Rome where she was treated like royalty as she took home an international award.
The teachers treated the students like people [respect].»
For a student of color, if he already feels like he's being treated in a special way, then multiple one - on - one check - ins with the teacher could be his worst nightmare.
But for the past few years, DPS has treated the innovation school authorization process much like the charter authorization process, and new innovation schools have looked far more like charters — with a year to plan, clear visions and strategies, and careful hiring of teachers.
If a teacher wants a disruptive student out of class, security escorts the student to an office, where he or she is often treated like a troublemaker and then sent to detention to sit silently for a period of time after the last school bell rings.
Teachers can and should be treated like professionals.
In practice, this means that teachers treat students with a great deal of respect, and the students feel like the school is looking out for them as individuals.
In an inclusion setting, special education teachers can be treated like outsiders and made to feel like instructional assistants in the class.
At New Beginnings we were more than students and teachers - we were a family and we were expected to treat each other like family.
May 16 will be an optional teacher work day, which means teachers will treat it like they would an inclement weather day.
The teachers, like doctors trying to treat cancer, must try many different ways of trying to get through all of the baggage to reach the child.
Fixing a vastly broken system like DC Schools, that is rife with Teacher Union Corruption, SOME Lazy & Lackadaisical Teachers that treat their jobs like their rest away from home & could care LESS if their students really LEARN & are getting the FOCUSED targeted attention that THEY NEED!
In order to model democratic citizenship, teachers need to be treated like democratic members in their schools, with voice and influence outside of their classroom.
Teachers should be treated and paid like the professionals they are, not as line workers who all earn the same money for the same years of service.
If we want to retain great teachers in high - poverty communities, we need to treat them like the experts they are and offer them conditions that allow them to do their jobs well.
To establish this understanding, teachers ask students to identify the ways they like to be treated.
To reverse this trend, teachers, like all learners, need to identify questions that have personal / professional relevance, and they need to have the opportunity and support to explore them at a time and in a place when their minds are fresh and where they are treated like professionals.
We need to allow principals to actually act like bosses — hiring, training and, when needed, firing their own staffs, and we need teachers to be treated like professionals: given feedback on performance, training when needed, and rewards for excellence.
We urge the governor to agree only to a system that truly supports teachers, stops treating them like widgets and allows for smart staffing and compensation decisions that acknowledge that effective teaching matters.
«This is a campaign on our part that is not going away,» said Rick Berman, executive director of the Center for Union Facts, which paid for the ad saying teachers unions treat students «like garbage.»
Kids won't learn from teachers who disrespect them or treat them like just a «number.»
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