Sentences with phrase «treated as errors»

The embedding of values occurs when value statements or ideological claims are wrongly treated as objective truth, and observed deviation from that truth is treated as error.

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Joined by the other three members of the court's liberal wing, Justice Stevens said the majority had committed a grave error in treating corporate speech the same as that of human beings.
This error is our opportunity - this is another reason we treat volatility as a friend» Ed Wachenheim
Kaplan would have agreed wholeheartedly with M. Scott Peck, who contends that it is fallacious to think of God as a discrete entity that is metaphysically locatable.3 Kaplan calls this the error of reification or hypostasis — of treating a process like a thing.
I have only fairly recently come to see the error of that belief, and how hurtful and unchristian it is to treat LGBT people as second class.
The ideal of one «proper place» per student — in earlier classrooms, often a proper place bolted to the floor — projects this philosophic error, which Whitehead proposes to correct, of treating all space as insulating, all places as solipsistic enclosures.
The temptation to practise exegesis by removing difficult passages, and treating them as scribal errors or the work of stupid editors, should be resisted.
Plus, the act allows for some permissible variations in nutrient content: «Such disclosures shall be treated as having a reasonable basis even if such disclosures vary from actual nutrient content, including but not limited to variations in serving size, inadvertent human error in formulation or preparation of menu items, variations in ingredients or other reasonable variations.»
As you go about treating all staff as assets instead of liabilities, try to maintain the spirit of «we are all in this together» rather than «staff are to be seen and not heard» as this type of thinking would allow you to form a strong Ministry with less errors and inefficiencieAs you go about treating all staff as assets instead of liabilities, try to maintain the spirit of «we are all in this together» rather than «staff are to be seen and not heard» as this type of thinking would allow you to form a strong Ministry with less errors and inefficiencieas assets instead of liabilities, try to maintain the spirit of «we are all in this together» rather than «staff are to be seen and not heard» as this type of thinking would allow you to form a strong Ministry with less errors and inefficiencieas this type of thinking would allow you to form a strong Ministry with less errors and inefficiencies.
«There used to be a different ethos at the revenue where they would look on minor errors sympathetically, but that appears to no longer be the case, and very small businesses are being treated in the same way as larger ones with better resources.
In the past, clinicians treating NIV patients used a trial - and - error approach to treat each symptom as it appeared, Mahajan said.
Yet many doctors still don't refer to it as a disease; no diagnostic test is available and symptoms are treated by trial and error.
In a recent policy piece published in Science, Searchinger and colleagues wrote that such a policy «erroneously treats all bioenergy as carbon neutral,» calling it a major «accounting error
Not an easy syndrome to treat Fibromyalgia presents as a cluster of nebulous symptoms, and there is no definitive cure, so treatments are based on trial and error.
Medications used to treat ADHD can have side effects such as insomnia or irritability, and it may take some trial and error to come up with the right medication and dosage that helps without causing new problems.
Another glaring error bordering on criminality is the tendency of modern psychiatry to classify estrogen deficiency in post-menopausal women as a psychiatric disorder to be treated with psych meds.
This is a film in which acknowledging error is treated as some terrible surrender and betrayal of trust; in actual journalism, it's considered a moral obligation — one that, sadly, most people in the field have had some experience with, in one capacity or another.
New curricula discuss and treat alternative conceptions not as errors, but as stepping stones to scientific understanding.
Every error we make brings us one step closer to reaching our true potential, but only if we treat them as opportunities to grow.
We also continue to find children whose dialect translations are treated as if they were oral reading errors.
Media queries that evaluate to «not all» per 3.1 Error Handling [MediaQueries] should be treated as false for the purposes of Rendition selection (i.e., the given Rendition is not a valid match).
Bookmasters treats manuscripts as if they were our own, thoroughly reviewing them, re-reading them, and correcting them as needed so it's free of errors yet still reader - friendly.
But even if we were to ignore that effect completely and treat the errors as unrealistically perfectly synchronized (such that all «pile up» and none «cancel out»), the worst - case net effect would have less than a 3 % impact on any of the overall numbers.
The proposed scheme uses the channel estimation matrix for detection and treats the interference caused by channel estimation errors and additive white Gaussian noise as equivalent noise where the channel estimation matrix and the statistical characteristic of channel estimation errors are necessitated.
Of course, with such a small footprint, Idzi does not have much margin for error, so she sticks with best - selling categories such as collars and leads, toys and gourmet treats — all of which reflect a nautical, coastal sensibility.
Since we have no way of determining who is right and who is wrong, this variation can be treated as random error.
Chaos is defined with respect to infinitesimal perturbations and infinite integration times, but our uncertainties in the current atmospheric state are far too large to be treated as infinitesimal, and furthermore, all of our models have errors which mean that they will inevitably fail to track reality within a few days irrespective of how well they are initialised.
So that the politicians can treat it ALL as a given, since it already shows the possible errors in assumptions.
Mathematically, you treat the number as the error in the derivative of cloud forcing with respect to time, but in terms of units, you present it as just a constant, flat error in the cloud forcing.
The disagreement with climate modelers arises because, first they do not understand error propagation and so reject its diagnosis, and second they don't understand the difference between a physical error statistic and an energetic perturbation, and so treat the statistic as though it impacts the model expectation values — in this case air temperature.
``... you treat the number as the error in the derivative of cloud forcing with respect to time...» No, I do not.
* They treat the PPE envelope as if it is error when it is not as you say.
On the one hand, conservatives won't like the scientific fact that they tend to deny reality and treat their errors as dogma.
As an extension, systematic observational errors could perhaps be corrected as part of the regression by estimating a constant shift to apply to each thermometer (treating changes in technology as creating a new thermometer on the same site), though this may make the problem too largAs an extension, systematic observational errors could perhaps be corrected as part of the regression by estimating a constant shift to apply to each thermometer (treating changes in technology as creating a new thermometer on the same site), though this may make the problem too largas part of the regression by estimating a constant shift to apply to each thermometer (treating changes in technology as creating a new thermometer on the same site), though this may make the problem too largas creating a new thermometer on the same site), though this may make the problem too large.
Another elementary error people are making in the thread is to consider which scenario produced has the closest temperature to actuality, and effectively treat that as a prediction of the forcing.
Could also be phrased as «Hausfather treated the same data with similar results because both teams made the same errors at the same places in the process» The starting material is from the same sources.
It is also overstated in that it treats a large number of ratings of «0» (= uncertain) as errors, which is not the case.
whether we are really up against criminals who rely on the sceptics being a bit namby pamby and treating corruption as «human error» rather than deliberate intentional malice to defraud the public.
We often argue on this site that one of the main problems with environmentalists» arguments is that they treat nuanced and complex, and highly context - sensitive scientific claims as through they could be reduced to «true / false» axioms, meaning that error cascades through their own argument.
They are treating the Mann et al. reconstruction as having the same frequency variation as an instrumental record, and they aren't adding any error term for the mean of the Mann et al. reconstruction.
But whatever the measurement error is, the way I treat processing Tmin and Tmax, I have half the error they have because Tmin and Tmax are not correlated, so Tavg as 2 errors, and Tmin day1 is correlated to Tmin day 2.
Note the implicit swindle in this graph — by forming a mean and standard deviation over model projections and then using the mean as a «most likely» projection and the variance as representative of the range of the error, one is treating the differences between the models as if they are uncorrelated random variates causing > deviation around a true mean!.
But if you can demonstrate citations or quotes in which climate scientists said severe winters or queensland floods should be treated as impossible, I will admit my error.
Therefore when we just use an average of all these urben and near urban temperature stations we make the grave error that we treat the tiny urban area as if it covered a lot of the Earth.
Similarly, no error arose from the motion judge's decision to effectively treat both consortiums as equal in terms of experience.
Any references to privacy interests by the plaintiff in Euteneier were particulars of other causes of actions or consequences of the actions by the defendant, and for that reason it was considered an error to treat those allegations as causes of action that could stand alone.
It was therefore an error for the trial judge to effectively treat the contract as repudiated, and conclude that the limitation period started running, in September 1994.
The coverage does this by treating a «dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or malicious» act of either the insured or of others for whose actions the insured might be liable (for example, under the doctrine of vicarious liability) as an «error, omission or negligent act» as described in the policy.
Types of medical malpractice, medical mistakes or medical errors, as it relates to cancer misdiagnosis or failure to treat cancer cases include the following:
After 36 years in corporate law (although I no longer have to do CPD now as I have moved out of legal practice), my experience is that CPD is not taken seriously (like much else about lawyer competence that we fail as a profession to take seriously — contrast how error is treated by the airline industry, the medical profession and lawyers), and that it doesn't work.
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