Sentences with phrase «treated as some experiment»

As a more ultimate solution, Serrouya and colleagues used a new government policy and treated it as an experiment, to maximize learning.
A dog doesn't deserve to be treated as some experiment just so that I can get over my latent anxieties about becoming a parent.
We bought a fairly inexpensive tv, though, and are treating it as an experiment outside.

Not exact matches

The lack of a launch date has given some developers the impression that Google still treats Glass as an experiment.
The company treated this election's party conventions as practice for the NFL games, running live streams of each as a way to experiment with the format.
He pointed out how, because of the dominant reductionist view of human nature, scientists are increasingly tempted to treat the human individual as «an object to be investigated, measured and experimented upon» rather than as an «irreducible subject».
Doing so would not lead us to treat animals like people but rather to treat the weakest people like animals, opening the door to such things as conducting medical experiments on the cognitively disabled, which has already been proposed in bioethics literature.
This recipe for cinni - mini rolls started out as an experiment and turned into a delicious breakfast treat!
The NFL is treating its Sunday game on Yahoo! as a «test run» for streaming games, and it's the perfect time and place to give that experiment a try.
Your baby and your diapers deserve to be treated with TLC and not used as a science experiment.
Armed with research from behavioral psychology and randomized experiments that treat voters as unwitting guinea pigs, the smartest campaigns now believe they know who you will vote for even before you do.
They want the UK to treat itself as a giant experiment, hammering down its own tariffs, allowing itself to be flooded with cheap foreign goods, and then waiting to see what happens next.
Alongside more famous works, such as The Fighting Temeraire, gallery - goers will also be treated to Turner's later experiments with watercolours, which show him to be a precursor of Impressionism.
Klebsiella pneumoniae is usually a normal resident in the mouth of healthy individuals, but as demonstrated in an experiment on specific pathogen - free mice treated and untreated with the antibiotic ampicillin, they can colonize in the gut and activate TH1 cells when antibiotics disturb the gut microbial balance and weaken tolerance for the colonization of oral bacteria reaching the intestine.
Although the loss of the axial momentum there has been treated as negligible, data from experiments clearly show the presence of the «axial» momentum lost to the lateral wall, which is transferred by the radially lost ions.
Treating the potentially blinding haze of a scar on the cornea might be as straightforward as growing stem cells from a tiny biopsy of the patient's undamaged eye and then placing them on the injury site, according to mouse model experiments conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Loke also mentions that colitis plagues many juvenile monkeys in primate research centers and that he has received a pilot grant to treat diseased monkeys with human whipworm, an as - yet - unpublished experiment that is already returning promising results.
Other experiments that use social - media data more directly will follow, but how will they help build an AI that treats you as an individual?
Conditioned zebrafish treated with naloxone, a drug that blocks the μ - opioid receptor, as well as dopamine - or glutamate - blockers reduced their drug - seeking behavior during the experiments.
Treating variation in the amount of time that states mandate schoolchildren spend in PE as natural experiments, the researchers found that an additional 60 minutes per week of PE time (enough to bring states without an explicit requirement up to the amount of PE recommended by the CDC) reduces the probability that a fifth - grader is obese by 4.8 percentage points.
In the February issue of the Journal of Earth Science, Criss and visiting scholar Mingming Luo of the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan, China, take a close look at data for the New Year's flood, treating it as a giant natural experiment that allowed them to test their understanding of changing river dynamics.
Although resurgence did not occur in as many tissues of antibiotic - treated mice as the first experiment, results of this repeat study confirmed resurgence of non-cultivable B. burgdorferi at 12 months following treatment.
We enjoy Matcha as a treat about once a week, and I've also enjoyed experimenting with adding it to foods for color.
«I generally treat my life as six - month projects and two - week experiments of various types.
Treat your body as an experiment!
Insofar as we can generalize from these animal experiments to humans, they provide a potential rationale for using low - protein diets to treat cancer patients, and raise the important clinical question of how to best maintain proper detoxification in these patients.
I think it would be exhausting to have to treat every IG post as a marketing experiment — constantly tweaking and adjusting your «presence» or «brand» or whatever based on the reactions you get.
She goes to say that, as society becomes more permissive, we are becoming more aware of the fact that `' other types of love can exist,» and that people are more willing to `' experiment with different kind of passion and love stories «but that we still treat monogamous relationships as the default, in large part, perhaps, because of this societal conditioning.That said, «the study demonstrates that there are actually still plenty of people out there who do value monogamy and want to build a lasting and loving relationship.»
I treated this experiment as a research project - fully analyzing, critiquing, and rating each date based on several key factors.
By treating every performance as an experiment while still conveying a sense of fun, Brando grasped multiple meanings in the line,» The play's the thing.»
Such experiments randomly «treat» individuals and even whole institutions, such as hospitals or schools, with different interventions in order to learn which work better.
«They are all experiments, which we are determined to treat as such: to learn, pivot and, where necessary, make prompt decisions about them,» the announcement said.
I'm experimenting with $ 6 for my new release, but mainly to see whether Amazon's algorithms treat the higher price with any favoritism given the same sales as a $ 5 book — if it does, I may try $ 7 in the future.
It's known as the marshmallow experiment but that wasn't always the treat, cookies and pretzels were also used depending on what the subject preferred.
McGonigal asks readers to treat the book as an experiment.
Author Entrepreneurs treat the whole process as an experiment.
Treat advertising as an experiment.
* These experiments also showed that exactly identical probabilities of gaining money were treated differently by test subjects, if the probabilities were expressed in terms of a potential loss as opposed to a potential gain.
Before joining the UC Davis faculty, Dr. Giuffrida served as a lecturer in surgical oncology at Penn, and completed a Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology degree at the Perelman School of Medicine, gaining skill in the design and conduct of research studies that involve observing and treating actual patients (as opposed to experiments performed in a laboratory).
Why not conduct a little experiment and toss out the supermarket treats in exchange for single - ingredient ones, such as the Minnows?
Speaker 1: Well, this is an interesting experiment too, because I don't feed raisins as a treat, I feed papaya tablets as a treat.
Researchers at York tested this theory with new experiments designed to understand more about why humans talk to dogs like this and if it is useful to the dogs in some way or whether humans do this simply because they like to treat dogs in the same way as babies.
Experiment with different types of healthy foods and give treats such as carrots and apples.
The researchers then repeated the first stage of the experiment, but had the speakers using their «adult» voice mention key phrases that the dogs were interested in, such as «treat» or «bone,» in order to test the level of preference a higher pitch speaker would hold.
As a home experiment, sprinkle some around some of your tomato plants, and taste the difference between the tomatoes from the treated and those from the untreated plants.
Readers are advised to treat the following sections as a thought experiment and not the reporting of peer - reviewed research.
Experiment 5 demonstrates the folly of treating gas as a static body when calculating surface to gas conductive flux.
We were happy to see that the movie treated its premise with a great deal of self - awareness, addressing the fact that the no impact conceit could easily be labeled as gimmickry rather than an earnest experiment to see what one can and can not live without.
The study of law from non-legal or non-black-letter perspectives can usefully be divided into those that treat data derived from experiments and surveys (such as sociological studies of legal systems, or psychological studies of juries), and those look to the written word for evidence, the latter covering the vast majority of what is conventionally considered «legal scholarship».
The great experiment of Wikipedia, whereby everyone is treated as equally authoritative, is being somewhat tempered by recognizing that some people actually do know more than others about particular subjects.
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