Sentences with phrase «treated by»

When the court demanded to know how he was being treated by security operatives, Aseidu said the situation had gone from bad to worse.
But as rivals sought to capitalise on the remarks, others questioned whether the Labour MP had been badly treated by the BBC.
Given the government had resolved not to check goods in practice, it would be treated by Wellington as a monumental sham.
He had a strong base of support in Chicago's Irish Catholic community, and he was treated by national politicians such as Lyndon B. Johnson as a pre-eminent Irish American, with special connections to the Kennedy family.
The Government has already announced its «race audit» into how ethnic minorities are treated by the public sector.
This means that patients would be treated by the healthcare professional that is best placed to meet their needs.
But guitarist and vocalist Robin Campbell added: «We support Jeremy Corbyn because he is the only one willing to speak up for working people, who have been badly treated by successive governments, including new labour, in recent decades.
Especially as essential questions of oppression, powerlessness and inequality — purportedly the main concerns of radical democratic theory — are treated by the «ontology first» theorists as secondary, merely empirical issues, or worse, are allowed to drop out of the picture altogether.
The proof that Cameron and McCain are playing the same game is shown by the suspicion with which they are both treated by party traditionalists.
However, it can easily be treated by your child's health care provider.
In the couple of «screening calls» from possibly interested birth families that we received, we felt well - informed and caringly treated by any OA&FS counselor we spoke with.
Every concussion is brain damage and must be diagnosed and treated by appropriate medical personnel, who prioritize players» health, safety, and well - being.»
The idea is that you flush them where they dissolve and the water gets treated by your city sewage system, instead of putting diapers in the garbage.
Uncomfortable because now that I have breasts I find myself wanting smaller breasts in part because I'm a ballerina but also because I know that bigger breasts are supposed draw attention from guys, are seen as more sexy, and could decide how I am treated by others.
A colicky baby or one who has chronic ear infections which are treated by multiple rounds of antibiotics can have problems with yeast overgrowth, allergies, eczema, and failure in physical growth.
These «umbilical granulomas» may disappear on their own, or they may need to be treated by your child's doctor.
But I needed them, because my depression is not the kind that can be treated by massage or light therapy.
The White House is set to announce on Monday a major new initiative that would place up to 5,000 salad bars in public schools nationwide despite uncertainties over how those salad bars might be treated by local health inspectors and U.S. Department of Agriculture rules that could prove a major impediment.
Most of these conditions can be treated by keeping skin clean and moisturized and using over-the-counter topical creams and ointments designed for babies.
Dayan, who says quite a few of his patients are new moms anxious for Botox as soon as they stop breastfeeding, maintains that if you emerge from the doctor's office without being able to move a single muscle on your face, you've likely been treated by an irresponsible physician or one who has received poor training.
Regardless of the diagnosis, sensory processing is very real and will continue to be treated by occupational therapists.
A woman's mental status or distress is best evaluated and treated by a mental health professional.
if not treated BY antibiotics attacks your kidneys....
Some parents are resistant to using a stimulant because they don't want their child to be a «zombie,» but it is important to remember that these are unwanted side effects and can usually be treated by lowering the dosage of medication or changing to a different medication.
Many rashes can be treated by the following:
I would strongly urge mothers who might be experiencing PPD to get treated by a trained professional for their depression and / or anxiety before addressing their low sex drive.
While some lower back pain needs to be treated by a specialist, most pediatricians who have a good understanding of the principles outlined in our article can help children and adolescents prevent and manage lower back pain,» said Dr. MacDonald, who is also an associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics and Family Medicine at The Ohio State University College of Medicine.
They worry if they will have time with the baby, how they will feel, how they will be treated by the hospital staff, if they should include the adoptive parents, and many other things.
I wondered the exact same thing about the gestational diabetes test, never got an explanation about why it was necessary, couldn't understand what benefit there could be to drinking an amount of sugar that I would never otherwise ingest to see if I had a condition I was unlikely to have that would be treated by following a diet and exercise plan less stringent than what I already did, so I ultimately declined it — a decision which was readily accepted by the CNMs providing care at my hospital's practice.
All cotton must be grown organically and wool needs to be from sheep treated by organic standards, and can not be processed at facilities that use polyester or chemicals, keeping substances like benzene, phthalates, petroleum, formaldehyde, arsenic, and lead out of the fabric.
In such a case, you would need to have the skin condition treated by a dermatologist.
Even today, as an adult, the slightest irritation can sometimes thrust me into «fight or flight» because of how I was treated by my family when I was an innocent, needy child.
So the animal studies give us only a hint at how early experience can affect development — the way human babies are treated by caregivers has even more effects on them than for any other animal because they are born so immature.
An epidural gives inadequate pain relief for 10 to 15 percent of women, 55 and the epidural catheter needs to be reinserted in about 5 percent.56 For around 1 percent of women, the epidural needle punctures the dura (dural tap); this usually causes a severe headache that can last up to six weeks, but can usually be treated by an injection into the epidural space.57, 58
It is treated by heating and other methods to make the protein more digestible.
It's rare, but some women have severe nausea and vomiting that need to be treated by a doctor.
«If the breast milk continues to smell or taste bad, even with proper storage, it is possible there is excess lipase, which can be treated by scalding the milk prior to freezing.»
It's interesting, too, that the absolute risk for patients treated by OBs doesn't seem to change by parity or other subgroup, which implies to me that overall, babies delivered in the hospital in the US have access to the best care possible when it comes to resuscitation.
Depending on their special needs, your multiples may also be treated by a neonatologist or other specialist.
If a baby's hip does become dislocated and is not treated by 6 months of age, the hip may need surgical intervention for proper development.
If she is defensive at first it is probably in reaction to the way she was treated by someone else and we can choose not to take it personally.
Although often temporary, this condition, called positional plagiocephaly can often be prevented and treated by helping your child spend less time in the same position on her back and more time on her tummy when she is awake.
Early on in the training, resistance should be treated by just discontinuing training for a few weeks or a month and then trying again.
She believed she was being treated by one of the best doctors in the country.
«As a result, any fever greater than 100.4 should not be treated by parents at home and the baby should be evaluated immediately (if less than 2 months of age) by a physician.»
Twenty - five years ago, only 10 percent of the patients treated by Dr. Lyle Micheli, a pioneer in the field of treating youth sports injuries and director of the sports medicine division at Childen's Hospital Boston, were overuse injuries.
itchy, pink, red, shiny, or burning nipples (may be cracked)(Note that pink, tender nipples can also be a sign of a bacterial infection, or dermatitis, which should be diagnosed and treated by a dermatologist.)
«Suspected food allergies should always be evaluated, diagnosed, and treated by a qualified medical professional, such as a board - certified allergist.»
This change marked a shift away from viewing childbirth as a natural process and towards regarding it as a medical problem that could only be treated by highly trained professionals.
I was still able to get the pills covered having a condition that can be treated by birth control, but it was still more trouble than it should have been and was still a rule that simply should not have been there.
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