Sentences with phrase «treating gingivitis»

Treating Gingivitis in Dogs: Veterinarian reviewed information on the treatment options for dog Gingivitis.
The goals of treating gingivitis are to remove any accumulations of plaque and calculus along the gum line, relieve the pain caused by inflammation and infection of the gums and prevent further progression of the disease.
Calendula: Another natural antibacterial and antiviral which can also be effective in treating gingivitis.
The first step in treating gingivitis and periodontal disease is to hand scale the large pieces of tartar off the teeth and probe the teeth for pockets of infection, damaged roots, fractured teeth, or other tooth problems.
Dr. Sitzman has decades of experience treating gingivitis, tooth resorption, gingival hyperplasia, enamal hypoplasia, stomatitis, and other dental disease and trauma.
Dr. Janna Levanto ND discusses natural strategies for treating gingivitis.
Dental Hygienists are usually the ones treating gingivitis / periodontal disease and alerting the dentist of suspected dental lesions.
Also useful for sweetening the breath and treat gingivitis, thrush and periodontal disease.
Proficiencies Review and update medical histories noting changes in dental health Perform intra / extra-oral exams and periodontal evaluations Remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria above and below gum line Apply anti-cavity agents such as fluoride and sealants Treat gingivitis and periodontitis Implement cavitron, piezo, and titan sonic scalers Hand scale periodontal patients with type 1 to type IV periodontitis disease Perform x-rays, digital imaging, and interpret radiographs Administer local anesthetic agents and nitrous oxide Instruct patient in home care specially tailored for individual patient needs Schedule patient appointments through Dentrix software

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Beyond its allergy - relieving benefits, stinging nettles have also been linked with treating a number of other health issues including arthritis, PMS, dandruff, gingivitis, gout, kidney stones, bladder infections and bursitis.
Tooth brushing, enzyme - containing treats, and oral rinses are good protection against plaque, tartar, and some forms of gingivitis.
This antibiotic is used to treat periodontal disease / gingivitis, and THEN the next step would be a dental cleaning (or that first, and then antibiotics).
If we are only dealing with mild to moderate Periodontal disease, all that may be required to treat the areas of gingivitis and prevent further disease, is a scale and polish.
If gingivitis is not treated properly and in a timely fashion, it can result in gingival recession and bone loss resulting in the necessity for tooth extractions.
When plaque and dental tartar accumulate with only mild periodontitis (bone loss around the tooth) or gingivitis is found, professional dental cleaning alone effectively treats the issue.
Stage 1 gingivitis can be treated by teeth cleaning, polishing, application of fluoride to help plaque accumulation, and applying OraVet plaque prevention gel.
Single, but most often multiple applications, treat common conditions in cats and dogs including, but not limited to, joint and disc disease, arthritis, acute or chronic otitis (ear infections), cystitis (bladder inflammation), gingivitis (gum inflammation), hot spots, wounds, abscesses, and surgical incisions.
Dill: This is a natural antibacterial that inhibits bacterial growth and reproduction in the mouth and may be effective in treating early onset of gingivitis.
Brush your pet's teeth regularly and check with your veterinarian about professional cleanings as well as dental treats and products available to help prevent bad breath, gingivitis, periodontitis and underlying disease.
There is a LONG list of conditions we are can treat with the Cold Laser, but some of the most common are pain relief, wound healing, arthritic conditions, disc disease, dermatitis, post-surgical pain relief, degenerative joint disease, lick granulomas, wound care, skin conditions, periodontal disease, gingivitis, otitis (ear infections) and much, much more.
If your pet has Gingivitis (severe inflammation of the gingiva or gums), you may notice a preference for chewing on one side of the mouth, not chewing kibble or less interest in hard treats or dental chews.
When accumulation of plaque and dental tartar with gingivitis or only mild periodontitis (bone loss around the tooth) is found, professional dental cleaning alone typically treats the issue effectively.
Stage one and two are early and advanced gingivitis which can be treated with professional teeth cleaning
Dental care: We can treat a variety of common oral problems such as gingivitis, tooth decay and inflammation
If gingivitis is not treated, it may lead to periodontal disease.
If gingivitis is not properly diagnosed and effectively treated, the bacteria that proliferate in dental plaque and gum pockets can enter the bloodstream and migrate to remote locations.
Chewing on bones, rawhides, crunchy dog biscuits and specialized dental treats can also help keep a dog's teeth clean and reduce the risk of gingivitis.
With our feline friends we are seeing epidemic immune - mediated inflammation of the gums and oral cavity known as feline gingivitis / stomatitis, which can often be very difficult to treat.
If you don't treat it at this low level, gingivitis can progress to serious periodontal disease and your dog may lose some of his teeth.
Professional dental cleaning alone can effectively treat mild periodontitis (bone loss around the tooth) and gingivitis caused by dental tartar and plaque accumulation.
Some severe periodontal cases are rechecked monthly, while pets that have been treated for grade one gingivitis, and their teeth brushed once or twice daily, can be rechecked every six months.
There are also several treats, products, and prescription diets that are formulated to help reduce tartar and plaque buildup as well as help with gingivitis on your pet's teeth.
Brush your cat's teeth regularly and check with your veterinarian about professional cleanings as well as dental treats and products available to help prevent bad breath, gingivitis, and underlying disease.
When plaque and dental tartar accumulate with gingivitis or only mild periodontitis (bone loss around the tooth) is found, professional dental cleaning alone naturally treats the issue effectively.
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