Sentences with phrase «tree clearing»

"Tree clearing" refers to the process of removing trees from a specific area. Full definition
«It's time the federal government changed the way it calculates carbon emissions from tree clearing,» he said.
Due to the sequencing of activities for the entire Burnaby Tunnel Phase, a commencement of tree clearing after the end of the migratory bird restriction could result in further delays for Phase 39.
Under Yukon law, possession of a mineral claim allows for tree clearing, building trails and using explosives for «class one» exploration — good reasons, say the Kaska, why they should have advance notice of where prospectors might desire a claim.
There is minimal tree clearing in this area and much is Savannah woodland and grassland.
«They should adopt consistent reporting of land and tree clearing across states and the Commonwealth, in line with best practice in this area — which has traditionally been the Queensland SLATS Scheme verified by field reporting.»
In my own state of Victoria, the opposition to active management of public lands, the restriction on property rights (regarding tree clearing) and the opposition to dam building (despite a 30 % increase in population since the last major dam was built) has (predictably) created water shortages and increased bushfire hazards.
While groups like the Wilderness Society run advertisements suggesting that in western Queensland and New South Wales broadscale tree clearing is a major environmental threat, many local landholders argue the problem is quite different.
Terry constructed the high - flying structure to stop Kinder Morgan's proposed tree clearing which is being done to enable the company's drilling through Burnaby Mountain.
An individual 401 process is the state's opportunity to look at the pipeline in a holistic way and consider impacts such as erosion and sediment from tree clearing, impacts to drinking water resources, and impacts to karst geology that could harm the environment and health of communities across the region.
«Alarmingly what this shows is that from the last full year that Labor was in office, 2011 - 12, tree clearing in Queensland has quadrupled,» Ms Trad said.
Queensland's Deputy Premier Jackie Trad said the rate of tree clearing was «unsustainable» and Labor would again take proposals for tougher tree - clearing legislation to the looming state election.
«At first it felt odd to be working on a conservation project in which we cut down trees and bushes,» thought Sebastian Hillegaart from the First Climate team, «but you have to be aware that the tree clearing helps the moor and contributes to climate protection.»
Trees clear - cut, chipped, and fed into boilers.
(Plowing, planting food plots and native grasses, tree clearing, etc..)
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