Sentences with phrase «tree saplings»

"Tree saplings" refers to young trees that are still small and have just started to grow. Full definition
The company grows tree saplings in house and matches recipients according to their growing region, with products available that are native to all growing regions throughout America.
One afternoon, she returned to the back door with part of our peach tree sapling in her mouth.
Fund raising for a state of the art tree nursery and plantation in Nigeria, where Green Planet has an agreement with the Federal Government of Nigeria to raise millions of tree saplings for the National Shelter Belt Project.
First I took a three - month trip up to Canada to work as a tree planter (a manual labor job where you live in a tent in the woods and plant tree saplings for nine hours a day), and then I took all the money I made, and spent it on a seven month adventure through South East Asia which, up to this point, is one of the highlights of my life.
In 24 hours on July 11, more than 80,000 volunteers planted 49.3 million tree saplings throughout Northern India on public land and along roads and railways.
Katsina State Government is to plant 3.5 million tree saplings across the 34 council areas of the state.
Branch by branch (neuron by neuron) we create new knowledge... similar to how a young tree sapling turns into a 40 - foot tall tree.
The Bodhi tree sapling was brought to Sri Lanka in the third century BC, during the introduction of Buddhism by monks from India.
Leave a lasting legacy to Bali's environment with your own tree sapling, which will be nurtured and monitored by our gardeners.
The base is the World Tree sapling and you have to stop the incoming hordes from destroying it, to do this you'll need to summon some monsters to keep it safe while you close off the spawn points.
In contrast, tree saplings performed so poorly that lianas dominated the sapling layer of vegetation.
Years before the Founding Fathers gathered in stately halls and meetinghouses to shape what would become the Declaration of Independence, the seeds of liberty had been planted and nurtured in a far more humble setting — beneath the branches of an elm tree.Just a few short years after the arrival of Puritans to the New World, when the land was yet untamed, an elm tree sapling took root.
Periods when the oil palms were mature and therefore bearing fruit coincided with a «hyper - abundance» of boar nests, made using understory vegetation such as tree saplings.
photo credits: wooden church, fire place, train, cake, bouquet, hot chocolate and cider bar, ice skates, tree sapling wedding favors, horses, pine cones, bride.
Savannas may thus be shifting towards greater tree dominance as atmospheric CO2 rises, with diminishing grass suppression of faster - growing tree saplings (Bond et al., 2003).
Wolves are a top predator - they keep the large herbivorous undulate populations in check, this in turn regulates the regrowth of tree saplings, which are otherwise overbrowsed by an unnaturally large deer and elk population.
Taking it a step even further, Muhammed Yousuf Jamil, a Lance Naik (Lance Corporal) in the Pakistani Army, single - handedly planted an astounding 20,101 tree saplings in 18 hours and 40 minutes — that's more than 18 trees per minute!
The tree saplings were from 80 different species of tree that are all native to local nurseries.
The installations are large enough to be able to grow the tree saplings unrestrictedly.
If the player stands on a tree sapling at exactly 6 a.m., the tree will grow around the player and knock them out, as though they had been bitten by a Tarantula or Scorpion.
At the Garden Center, the player can buy flowers, tree saplings, bamboo seeds, and tools related to the tending and maintenance of plants, such as axes, fertilizer, and watering cans.
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