Sentences with phrase «trendy ideas»

What we never do is jump on trendy ideas just because they're the new flavor of the month.
Artist - curator was a very trendy idea from the late 90s to the beginning of the new century.
If you're looking for something just a little bit more exciting than chocolate cornflake nests in your Easter decoration campaign this year, then we have a divinely trendy idea for you from the clever folks at Country Living: ombré hen's eggs.
I can only assume the author of the article, Mr. Blake, is using hyperbole to describe a problem with some conservative's focus on trendy ideas versus bedrock faith.
Business is rolling in the cash as well as losing its shirt with trendy ideas and faddish management books that have ignored far more business wisdom than they have created.
Throughout OSPI there is the concept that, although our School Child Nutrition Programs are not for profit but to feed students, we should be cutting costs as a priority over what is sometimes recognized as good nutrition — a subject where many entrenched and trendy ideas prevail and are promoted by giant food manufacturers.
In today's post I want to draw your attention to 10 trendy ideas how to wear denim cutoff shorts.
Statement Sweaters — A second trendy idea that will help you embrace the spring style this winter is to go for the statement sweaters.
As for the game as a whole, the only thing that really concerns me is Treyarch's now established pattern of cherry picking the current trendy ideas from other games and giving them a COD spin, such as wall running or battle royale type gameplay.
It is also about the increasingly trendy idea of the Anthropocene: the suggestion that human impact on the planet is so great that we have, collectively become not just a geological force but the dominant one in the modern age, and that our impacts will be seen in the geological record for eons to come.
It is the trendy idea for the past 40 - 50 years to imagine «God» as a loving being, and to have a «personal relationship» with «him»; in prior times, «he» was mainly Power and Might and Wrath - a being to beg to for mercy.
So, if u had not thought of buying these skirts, then have a look over some trendy ideas that you may love to flaunt with.Try latest ideas of elegant white pants fashion ideas.
I'm so glad to see some trendy ideas for those of us who work outside of the home.
Till now, if u had not thought of trying tulle skirt outfits that can be of many use, then you must give one chance to these trendy ideas which may result in figure flattering and absolutely stunning look.Women look amazing in shirt dress outfits.
Online dating sites are very useful and a trendy idea as well.
Developing mobile apps for learning purposes sounds like a trendy idea, doesn't it?
We encouraged law firms to avoid the temptation of chasing «shiny objects,» in the form of the newest and trendiest ideas, and suggested instead a focus on the «plums and oranges» — the low - hanging fruit that can make an immediate difference in firm profitability.
What a great and trendy idea!
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