Sentences with phrase «trial for corruption»

He is scheduled to go on trial for corruption next week.
Silver's counterpart, the former Leader of the State Senate Dean Skelos, is also on trial for corruption charges that have to do with his outside income.
Last year, Bartomeu and Neymar, among others, were ordered to stand trial for corruption in relation to Barcelona's deal in 2013 to acquire Neymar from his club team in Brazil.
According to him, the EFCC had recently dismissed nine cadet officers for certificate forgery while some other operatives were facing trial for corruption.
He was the lawyer for Nassau County's Industrial Development Agency and a friend and lawyer for Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, who is also awaiting trial for corruption.
After his first trial for these corruption charges the European Court of Human Rights ruled that his trial was unfair and demanded a retrial, following which the ruling was overturned, sent back to a lower court, and that lower court affirmed the corruption charges.
A former city councilman on trial for corruption hopes to win jury points with his next witness — himself.
Three sitting legislators — William Boyland Jr., Malcolm Smith and John Sampson — are currently on federal trial for corruption, and a felony conviction would automatically force them to resign.
Several of the governor's former associates, including a former top aide, go on trial for corruption beginning in January.
«Even those people like (Col. Sambo) Dasuki (retd,) and all those who helped themselves to our collective patrimony during the President Jonathan era, who are standing trial for corruption, may be set free by this judiciary, but we must never give up.
Democratic Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) gave $ 20,000 to the legal expense fund of Sen. Robert Menendez (D., N.J.), who is now on trial for corruption charges, records show.
What people will say is that it is the APC Senate President that is facing trial for corruption.
Mangano is also awaiting trial for corruption, though he may still run for re-election.
The campaign committee of former Rep. Corrine Brown (D., Fla.), who is currently on trial for corruption charges, spent thousands on hotels and small travel expenses after Brown was defeated in the Democratic primary last year.
Before the November elections, several of the governor's former associates, including a former top aide, go on trial for corruption.
For the past two weeks, a former top aide to governor Cuomo has been on trial for corruption.
Glenwood Management has topped headlines for over a year now thanks to its high - volume donations throughout New York state, as well as its ties to former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and ex-State Senate Leader Dean Skelos, both of whom are currently and separately on trial for corruption.
His former aide and friend Joe Percoco, meanwhile, went on trial for corruption and was ultimately convicted last month; the same judge that oversaw the Percoco case will preside over another, larger corruption trial relating to the governor's «Buffalo Billion» project this summer.
In federal court in Manhattan, former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and former Senate Leader Dean Skelos are both on trial for corruption.
Gov. Cuomo's love of vintage Corvettes helped draw him to a fundraiser where he was slated to receive $ 125,000 in campaign cash from a Syracuse developer now on trial for corruption, according to court testimony Tuesday.
Ex-US Attorney Preet Bharara predicted Thursday that former Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver would be convicted when he is put back on trial for corruption.
Federal court building in Manhattan, where former Cuomo aide Joe Percoco is on trial for corruption
• Cuomo aide Joe Percoco is going to trial for corruption and victims are angry.
In January, former associates of Gov. Andrew Cuomo will go on trial for corruption.
City Councilman Ruben Wills is on trial for corruption, and the Queens Democratic Party has endorsed him for re-election.
Silver's counterpart, the former Leader of the State Senate, is also on trial for corruption charges that have to do with his outside income.
Jacobs was appointed by former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who is currently on trial for corruption.
Now Bharara is looking for a similar conviction against the former head of the Senate, Dean Skelos — who's also on trial for corruption.
Former longtime Cuomo aide Joseph Percoco is on trial for corruption.
Assemblyman Eric Stevenson, who is set to go on trial for corruption charges, may have some political problems, too.
Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy has been ordered to stand trial for corruption and influence peddling involving a judge, from whom he tried to get information about an investigation, a legal...
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