Sentences with word «tricksy»

Shipping rates can also get a bit tricksy when ineligible / eligible come into play.
Basic black leggings for me, because ones with tricksy colours, stripes, or patterns are too annoying to coordinate when I'm in a rush.
But A Quiet Place is pleasingly straightforward, eschewing tricksy plotting for great technique.
But this idea was eventually scrapped when the proposed password system that was going to link the titles proved too tricksy.
This Graham needs to develope some wisdom about how to answer such tricksy questions as «what do you think about so - and - so».
The basic plans provide a level of functionality similar to those found on other social media management platforms, while the more advanced plans give you additional functionality for doing tricksy things like the ability to queue items to recycle them and to email your updates instead of having to open your social media software.
One thing I'm particularly pleased at myself for thinking of, was how to tame the facing for such a slippery, tricksy fabric.
And that should give you a pretty good idea of what you're in for: lots of Gondry's trademark endlessly inventive visuals, «full of manic little details and tricksy filmmaking which charms and exhausts in equal measure.»
Garland's needle - sharp script suggests many other possibilities, but undercuts them too, and there's enormous, tricksy pleasure to be had in working out exactly what's going on.
Indeed, Steven Rogers delivers a blistering screenplay that, though a tad tricksy around the edges, gives us something to grab onto.
Fragments of a doomed relationship are dissected in writer / director Sam Esmails tricksy but disappointing drama.
It sounds quite tricksy and layered, with a book - within - a-book plot, and might prove too serious or small for the Academy.
Better yet, when she really gets the hammer down on the soft stuff, she can sometimes turn on a sixpence in a way that suggests some pretty tricksy side - to - side shuffling of power to increase manoeuvrability.
Considering her scholarly interests, evident in her book on Nabokov's nature imagery, Mason's style is surprisingly straightforward, never tricksy, seldom particularly allusive.
Ultra fast to learn but seriously tricksy to master, Hearthstone arms you with the heroes of World of Warcraft and pits you against deviously strategic enemies.
Unlike, say, the PlayStation or Saturn, the Dreamcast didn't even need a modchip or tricksy CD swap tricks to play pirated discs, so its copy protection was a disaster in this regard.
Tamriel has never been more lush, and it has tricksy details such as properly modelled snow, rather than mere snow - coloured texturing.
The large rotunda room, which includes slightly tricksy paintings by Martin Kippenberger and Jörg Immendorf, is less impressive.
With this year's question, though, Brockman gets really tricksy: «What scientific concept would improve everyone's cognitive toolkit?»
We have better proxies for anything we think is problematic than «total lifetime contributions»; if you're dealing with someone who's got form for making tricksy deals and is a selfish arsehole, and they make an offer the full implications and justification of which you're pretty sure you don't understand, it's I think a reasonable precautionary principle to reject it.]
Garland is clearly interested in picking apart the metaphysical quandaries that come from artificial intelligence, though is consistently weighed down by a leaden, tricksy plot which never really convinces.
When he presented «Work No. 850» in 2008, Peter Aspden of The Financial Times called it, «too slight, too messy, too tricksy,» and «little more than a travesty.»
But tricking people into thinking they're getting what they used to get for the old price is tricksy, as Gollum would put it.
This recipe skips the tricksy water bath in favor of a super simple stovetop technique: just cook the custard on the stovetop as you would crème anglaise or ice cream base, pour it over chocolate, stir to combine as though making ganache, pour into cups, and chill until firm.
Baseball's a tricksy sport.
The benign explanation of this slow offseason doesn't involve collusion, but it does involve a twisting of baseball's framework to get exactly what the owners have always wanted, which is just a tricksy way of colluding within the rules.
Watch his tricksy goal against Borussia Dortmund and hope he doesn; t do it against your team in the coming months.
But the tricksy nature of dark matter detection soon showed up.
tricksy and Waldensian Giff remeasured its roomettes desencarnar or minimize genotypically.
It's clearly a good game with neat, tricksy little puzzles, the price is excellent but make use of remote play if you absolutely must play it
A tricksy combination of documentary, discourse and sleight of hand, F for Fake is as elusive as it is playful.
Speaking of which, seven years later she took on the role of Tralala, a tricksy prostitute, in the adaptation of Hubert Selby's controversial collection of short stories.
This tricksy, time - looping caper acts as a telling metaphor for the repeated resurgence of its leading man, Tom Cruise.
Hulk, and reuniting with his tricksy brother, Loki (Tom Hiddleston).
I won't reveal it, but I will say that the tricksy solution falls flat for me, as other provocative film - makers have reached the same emotional conclusion in a more concordant manner.
Taking its inspiration from the tricksy platformers of yesteryear, you play a chunk o» meat who must traverse a ton of ghastly levels to reach your abducted girlfriend, Bandage Girl.
Events of the past 10 years have been tricksy, it transpires, with Jane, Bill, Dan and Bishop inextricably partnered in a dance of death.
However, towards the end of Thor: Ragnarok, we spot Loki eyeing it up just before blowing Asgard to smithereens, and the Infinity War trailer does indeed confirm that the tricksy immortal is in now possession of it, and seemingly offering it up to someone without protest.
So the publishers succumb to subterfuge, the authors (tricksy, tricksy, tricksy authors) also participate in the game, and you, the reader, are left to guess.
Amazon is making its KENPC calculations on the basis of 12 pt text and seems to be on its guard for any tricksy spacing designed to try to lengthen a book.
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