Sentences with word «trifling»

The proportions of confession and pilgrimage are sometimes uneven, but no matter, since the author's vanities are trifling.
And if you're not willing to make the committment of marriage, you shouldn't be trifling with such an important and powerful gift whose purpose is to create life and nurture the relationships that make life worth living.
The worldly Archbishop, prepared now to communicate directly with Luther, dismissed the theological matters as not really important — the right of the Pope and the freedom of the will were trifling matters, he said, nugamenta, compared with the demands of the Christian life.
In the last decades of the 20th century, it became very fashionable, and in some circles almost obligatory, to claim that there were no fundamental differences between males and females except for a few trifling matters of plumbing.
He will be there in the cab or at the desk or in the field to remind the Christian that he is giving the better part of his day to the things of this world and allotting to his religious duties only a trifling portion of his time.
This he said when he happened to get involved in a quarrel with his wife about some trifling thing.»
As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin puts it, «I realized that my own poor trifling existence was one with the immensity of all that is and all that is in process of becoming.»
«Denial of access to clergy» — especially at the hour of our death — is no trifling thing.
Those who want to love the people without abiding in the highest good sink «their own minds in base and trifling things,» losing them in scheming strategy and cunning techniques having neither the sincerity of humanity nor that of commiseration (WYM 274).
The presumed duration of the whole human development (a few million years) is so trifling compared with the extent of astronomic time, even at the lowest estimate, that the chance of a variation of the solar equilibrium while the anthropogenesis is in process may be ignored.
There is always a temptation to neglect one's main job for some trifling occupation that may soothe the conscience with a sense of busyness!
There are trifling, sneering attitudes even towards the whole of life; and in some men these attitudes are final and systematic.
Sometimes he seems to have come close to paranoia and allowed trifling upsets to rankle.
Even if this total is underestimated, the number is trifling in contrast to the audiences reached today by his disciples who utilize the airwaves.
Brahmins and their Nair supervisors, although living far away from the territory of Malayarayan tribes received, «trifling rents from the Arrians for their fruit - trees and cultivated land, and besides this, each headman had to furnish a certain quantity of honey for the raja's birthday, dig a few elephant pits, and help, with bark ropes, to conduct the animals, when trapped, into the taming cages.
Today the shelves of Christian bookstores bulge with material that makes Charlie Shedd look like a prophetic sage (even if he did recommend only a trifling 15 minutes of exercise per day) rather than an object of easy derision.
With three languages — English, German and French — as channels of expression in every session and with traditional misunderstandings and sectarian prejudices, there would be, of necessity, some critical moments, but the chairmen always so wisely steered the conference out of troubled waters that those instances which did occur were of trifling consequence by the side of the spirit of gracious fellowship which pervaded the delegates both in the conference sessions and in the university halls and hotel lobbies.
The infinite qualitative solidarity of Sacredness might not be a trifling matter in the view of, say, the 38 Americans in «death row» cells right now.
At the very least, you wouldn't bore the rest of us with trifling comments that show you haven't read a single word of the column at hand.
There is a simple physiological explanation of this trifling incident....
«My notion would be that anything which possesses any sort of power to affect another, or to be affected by another, if only for a single moment, however trifling the cause and however slight the effect, has real existence.
The reader is deluged with tedious genealogies, military roll calls, «nuts and bolts» inventories of tabernacles and temples, meticulous ceremonial codes, lists of petty kings, and an array of trifling events and curious tales.
How unfortunate that she must endure the trifling conversation of successful women.
So many preachers are preaching false doctrine that it seems trifling to focus on this particular preacher.
Suddenly the church budget doesn't seem so important, the committees trifling and approval absurd.
The sum the cooking magnate had cashed in was trifling — around $ 50,000 worth of stocks — but she was prosecuted in the end because there was clear evidence showing she had benefited from insider information and later lied about it.
It is, primarily, because we do not combat it strongly enough, because we do not struggle towards salvation with all our might; secondly, because we do not put sufficient trust in the discoveries of the wise, and do not drink in their words with open hearts; we approach this great problem in too trifling a spirit.
Analysts congratulate management on a «great quarter» and then ask about a seemingly trifling matter.
Considering that Canada exports over 2 million barrels a day to the US market, getting shortchanged $ 20 per barrel is no trifling matter.
We quickly learn that a hot stove is far too dangerous to be trifled with and so we file away in our subconscious any inputs — visual, aural, oral, tactile, and olfactory — that are even remotely related to the danger we call a hot stove.
But billionaires like Trump and Ross don't trifle with details.
No trifle for a family with six kids.
The answer is a trifle complicated — but très fascinating.
For example, if the Fed wants to increase the stock of bank reserves by, say, $ 100 billion (admittedly a mere trifle, these days), it has only to purchase $ 100 - billion worth of Treasury securities or other assets from dealers in the secondary or «open» market.
Your intellect is definitely not one to be trifled with... Now go take your meds.
Any «Protestant», I prefer small «c» catholic, will say that their commentaries are trifles compared to the apostolic witness.
Chesterton joyfully develops his Trifles thesis in further essays, with titles like «A Piece of Chalk,» «The Extraordinary Cabman,» «On Lying in Bed» and «What I Found in My Pocket.»
One of my favorite modern parables is G.K. Chesterton's Tremendous Trifles.
It is not just a «trifle» debate, you do a disservice to everyone when you act as if you have it right and we theologians are arrogant.
• Rather than examine hard evidence, she deals in trifles and inflates them into richly colored balloons of generalization.
At times I'd have to remind Nino when his kids were born: «Catherine is 1966, Mary 1968, Paul in 1970...» I had a strange memory for these things, a picker up of trifles.
The spiritual realm is nothing to be trifled with, and we ignore it at our own peril.
Those who walked on their knees left trails of blood on the rocky pavement, though their friends spread towels before them to make their way a trifle easier.
So the very learned Polos found it tiresome that Socrates always talked about meat and drink and doctors, and similar unworthy trifles, which Polos deemed beneath him (Gorgias).
The world has been waiting a long time for Black Panther, a film that doesn't settle for fleeting entertaining trifles and instead delivers something unlike any superhero movie you've seen before.
An abnormal sense of guilt over trifles is not only a sign of extreme nervousness, but can have very devastating effects on one's whole mental outlook.
But when a person chronically pities himself, rebels at fate and thinks the world or the Lord has a grudge against him, gets angry over trifles and scolds or swears at the people around him, frustration is likely to be at the bottom of it.
Such persons discern trifles.
An «all knowing» creator wouldn't be engaging in trifle conversation such as this in the least.
His interpretation was, if anything, a trifle more celebratory than most.
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