Sentences with phrase «trigger letdown»

Often, a nursing baby is enough to trigger the letdown.
La Leche League notes that looking at a photo of your baby (if they're not traveling with you) can help stimulate the release of oxytocin and trigger the letdown reflex.
Before you breastfeed, use a moist heat compress like Rachel's Remedy to trigger letdown and release some of the extra milk your body is making, relieving the pain and making it easier for your baby to latch.
I tucked a picture of my 3 - day - old daughter into my breast pump tote, to help «set the mood» and trigger letdown.
After turning on the pump it will work in simulation mode, which helps triggering letdown reflex and initiate expression.
According to Summit Medical Group, thinking about your baby, or picturing nursing causes Oxytocin to flow, which triggers letdown.
I first coined the term when I was breastfeeding my second child in 2014 and discovered that relaxation really helped trigger my letdowns while feeding.
Massage mode — get your milk flowing faster with a light suction, fast cycle mode that simulates the way your baby triggers letdown.

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The massage mode is light and fast and is perfect for triggering «letdown» (the start of milk flow).
The pathway for the nerve that controls the MER runs through the brain, so infant sucking or thoughts about your baby can trigger the MER, causing uncomfortable letdown sensations in some women.
Moist heat also triggers the hormone oxytocin, which assists with milk letdown.
This in turn triggers the milk letdown reflex.
Or it can happen when the hormone oxytocin triggers the muscle cells in your breasts to squeeze out milk — also known as the «letdown reflex».
The sight and smell of your baby will help trigger the hormones responsible for milk letdown.
In some women, the cry of a hungry baby or other cues associated with an infant may stimulate milk letdown, suggesting a conditioning effect, whereby certain cues trigger the release of oxytocin.
I read some advice to hand express both sides for 20 - 30 seconds (just enough seconds to not trigger any kind of letdown signal) before feedings.
Nipple stimulation does trigger your body's production of the hormone oxytocin, which helps with milk letdown and also plays a role in the contractions you have during labor.
The mother does not even have to be thinking about breastfeeding (for example with spontaneous letdowns) for the dysphoria to happen when a milk release is triggered.
Nerves are vital to breastfeeding because they trigger the release of prolactin and oxytocin, two hormones that affect milk production and letdown.
Letdown is when the baby's suckling triggers a reflex that results in milk flow.
Letdowns trigger this cramping and therefore help breastfeeding moms recover faster after childbirth.
The sound of a sink faucet or even the briefest passing thought of Ezra's face triggered a WICKED letdown reflex that tingled and ached.
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