Sentences with word «triumphalism»

Corbyn is accused of having «kowtowed to the leavers» mandate and to the noisy triumphalism of the anti-European press».
your post sounds very close to Christian Triumphalism which does nt» go far for me when we're supposed to adopt a mindset of «serving the servants.»
Slipping in a note of triumphalism about yesterday's Ghurkha court ruling is the perfect addition here.
We see a similar inclusive triumphalism in the document on ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio.
Finally, a rule - based ethic has led tragically to a religious triumphalism in which one's status or spirituality within the church is measured by one's conformity to the codes in effect.
Drew Shindell blogged on it at Real Climate, there was a bit of triumphalism on the denial beat.
To the growing debate on «fulfillment theology» the author adds a contribution from a Reformed theological perspective: the thesis that New Testament messianic claims can be abandoned only at the cost of sacrificing crucial aspects of the church's witness to the gospel of the Kingdom, but that Christians do need to abandon a good deal of «fulfillment theology» that finds its source in ecclesiastical triumphalism.
A little bit less triumphalism here might not go a miss too.
At the same time, the presentation avoids triumphalism in its narrative of American history: with the new and welcome prominence given Native American and African - American artists, the installation frankly acknowledges that the rising fortunes of a new nation — reflected or celebrated in many of the collection's finest works — were predicated on oppression.
«Instead of standing up as much as possible for Britain's post-Brexit place in Europe, Labour has increasingly kowtowed to the leavers» mandate and to the noisy triumphalism of the anti-European press...
But as smart as it may seem for painting Barkawi as seeking revenge solely for the death of his daughter, the film mostly succeeds at advancing Mike's improbable yet largely singular survival as a symbol of American triumphalism
• I apologize for the snide Catholic triumphalism of that rhetorical question — or at least half - apologize.
The words of Peter and of Paul are, like so many words in the Bible, dangerous words, easily turned into triumphalism, which Niebuhr would call the henotheistic worship of the Christian community rather than the one God.
It's appreciated by those of us who for many years have listened to, and even contributed into, a web of deciet and triumphalism which at best has proved to be a very leaky boat indeed.
It had few kind words to say about «good» Labour Party Conference moments, and reserved plenty of triumphalism for Tory moments.
In fact, political issues like abortion for Conservative Catholics and socioeconomic issues for Liberal Catholics have become important enough to overcome the theological / spiritual differences and sectarian triumphalism that has traditionally separated Catholics and Protestants since the 16th century schism.
Ye t in the same breath we are told by these same secular evangelists — with more than a touch of arrogant triumphalism — that over 60 \ % of people in modern Britain no longer believe in God or hold any religious creed at all.
The political triumphalism of the summit belies the scientific pessimism of so many climate scientists and activists.
This belief is a reaction to an earlier age of Western triumphalism that overlooked the genuine achievements of the Islamic philosopher (faylasuf); but like many reactionary movements, it overcompensates and praises a golden age that never quite was.
Our churches must abandon our historic triumphalism and assume our minoirty position with dignity.
There was a certain complacency, rather too much triumphalism, and a reluctance to renew theology in such a way that it could face up to the new challenges, as St Thomas Aquinas had done in his own way with his Summa.
One of my concerns about capitalist triumphalism is that in rejecting socialist totalitarianism people may reject useful public enterprises of various kinds.
Yinka Shonibare's ship - in - a-bottle expresses ambivalence about British triumphalism.
Britain in the aftermath of a calamitous Labour defeat will be intoxicated with Tory triumphalism, and will be an oppressive place for any vaguely progressive views.
There has already been some push back on this Bernanke triumphalism.
Folk histories of physics combine borrowed mathematical luster and Whiggish triumphalism in a way that journalists seem powerless to resist.
Allowing for the remarkable contrasts, Ker believes he can still trace at least one theme through the work of all six of his subjects, a theme that has little to do with the obvious «motifs» of English Catholicism such as «aestheticism, a love of ritual, ceremony, tradition, the appeal of authority, a romantic triumphalism, the lure of the exotic and foreign, a preoccupation with sin and guilt.»
That is, is it the flowering of Vatican II's hopeful vision or a return to the defensive triumphalism of the preconciliar era?
Arthur Paul Boers focuses on pastoral leadership; Lillian Daniel offers a moving reflection on liturgy, a congregation's division over a war - resolution debate, and a surprising instance of local church triumphalism; and Eugene McCarraher argues that the church is the political community within which Christians must debate war and peace.
However, we're most attractive to those lurking near the exit door (or on the other side) when we curb this impulse toward triumphalism or battle - minded pride.
But the following observations may, perhaps, be of some little use to diminish a «liturgical triumphalism» which does not seem at all fitting in the present spiritual situation.
I would hope that no Christian pastor would fail to recognize that that completely shameless triumphalism — and with it an utterly sincere and unrestrained hatred of suffering and death — is the surest foundation of Christian hope, and the proper Christian response to grief.
In those days triumphalism was not a reproach.
Their nuanced view of faith couldn't compete with the «spiritual triumphalism» of conservatives.
The language of liberation, with its salvation history themes, seems hollow and hypocritical in our mouths, bespeaking a new form of American theological triumphalism.
Finally, postconservative evangelical theology rejects triumphalism.
If one can get past the oft - repeated triumphalism over the ELCA's 2009 decision to bless same - sex relationships, there is a great deal to like in this book.
A certain triumphalism and sense of superiority has been a strong temptation to biblical religions grounded in the doctrine of special revelation.
They will stand only as equal seekers after truth, vulnerable and afraid, with ancient triumphalism a pale historic memory.
Against this self - complimenting triumphalism, Dugin insists that liberalism is not a universal ideal but rather the next stage of Western imperialism — more precisely, American imperialism.
The apocalyptic expectation of all - powerful deity establishing emphatically God's rule on Earth is transformed by Jesus» appropriation of it into something entirely other: God is active already in furthering God's intentions for a creation in travail, but not in the ultimate, decisive way envisioned by champions of divine triumphalism.
Triumphalism also takes another, more subtle form.
The fundamental historical matrix underlying the view of European Jewish history consistently advanced by Vital might best be described in two terms, Holocaust teleology and Zionist triumphalism.
The book's tone reflects the same smug triumphalism that is found in Lewis's better - known works.
There is no moral triumphalism here, however.
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