Sentences with phrase «tropical readymades»

The candy - and neon - hued tropical readymades do brighten the scene, but those white walls remain very present.
Across from a wall displaying several of his Tropical Readymades, Figueroa's installation Please Hold Me, 2015, resembled a messy collage of handmade signs sporting phrases such as «necesito dinero para producir arte, mi pais esta jodido... please help me» [«need money to make art, my country is fucked»] and «soy un pobre diablo de una isla tropical en banca rota» [«I'm a poor devil from a tropical island in bankruptcy»].
Juni Figueroa arranges clothes in a white window blind system to create a very memorable send up of «high art,» specifically abstract painting, with this «tropical readymade
Using the concept of the «tropical readymade», Figueroa has placed used trainers with plants growing out of them in gallery spaces; he has constructed «rainbows» out of spraypainted plastic pipes sprouting from concrete buckets; and he has made never - ending fountains from which whisky and coconut water flow.
A series of recent large - scale installations take his concept of the tropical readymade to a different scale.
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