Sentences with phrase «trouble getting exposure»

Have you published a book and are having trouble getting exposure?

Not exact matches

If you are allergic, you may get hives and have trouble breathing within 30 minutes of sulfite exposure, and should arm yourself an Asthma rescue inhaler because an order of shrimp has more sulfites than an entire bottle of Sangiovese.
It doesn't take much: something that covers your body so you don't get in trouble for indecent exposure, some clean socks, and a decent pair of sneakers.
Perhaps you thought you'd have trouble getting insurance in Saint Petersburg because of the coastal exposure.
Perhaps you thought you'd have trouble getting insurance in Saint Petersburg because of the coastal exposure.
The current outpatient treatment model for youth with anxiety disorders includes shortages of appropriate providers, logistical problems with getting to treatment, and trouble getting an adequate dose of exposure treatment in the home.
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