Sentences with phrase «troubled by conscience»

But embracing it lets the debt collector treat the debtor like dirt and routinely flaunt the law without being troubled by conscience.
The interviewer asked (we are paraphrasing) whether the magnate thought it «fair» that this was so, and if he wasn't troubled by his conscience in light of the Greek government debt crisis.

Not exact matches

The young Luther did almost certainly suffer from a «troubled conscience» in some form, but it evidently did not cause his theological work to be dominated by the question, «How can I get a gracious God?»
If the one who authorizes the absolution of my sins is the true God, then indeed I may have an entirely undialectical assurance of salvation; this answer to the pastoral problem of the troubled conscience was a deeply important practical by - product of Luther's new appreciation of the sacraments.
There was, to be sure, a pastoral problem of the «troubled conscience» in the late medieval Church, brought about — to oversimplify — by the convergence of certain unresolved issues in Augustine's theology of grace with certain developments in the canon law of penance.
That this provision has now been challenged by a health board is deeply troubling and symptomatic of an aggressive pro-abortion regime; it is also a sign of a weakening in regard for human conscience as the safeguard of human dignity.
Seldom do we come back to silence without our conscience being troubled by what we have said.»
A young lawyer, during a discussion, admitted having a troubled conscience because he was employed by a bank to represent them in a foreclosure proceeding in which there was deliberate withholding of information that prejudiced the issue.
For there are many doubtful matters which a man can not resolve or find the answer to by himself, and so he takes his brother aside and tells him his trouble... We must have many absolutions, so that we may strengthen our timid consciences and despairing hearts against the devil and against God... I will not let private confession be taken from me.
And if conscience troubles them at all, they rationalize by saying, «What is good for General Motors is good for the country.»
One great advantage of a lectureship was that it allowed men whose consciences were troubled by portions of the Prayer Book to escape the requirement that the prescribed services be read, for the ordinary worship was conducted by the parson and not by the lecturer.
Sathyananda — I follow your free lessons — My view on what the troubled lady is getting very upset about is — Reiki is a beautiful energy that can do no - one any harm, it is for the highest good of all — and when give or sent the higher self of the other person will accept only what is good and right for them — As for displaying the Sacred Symbols — well we must live and let live and not judge what others do - we must do what our own conscience lets us do — personly I do believe to keep them quietly sacred and only seen by us as Reiki Healers - but I do not get so angry and judgemental as it seems the Lady does — sorry just one more thing — Reiki symbols seem to have different forms of interpretation when drawn — there again I believe and trust that it is intention when using them — thank you for your time
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