Sentences with phrase «true renaissance man»

For fun and relaxation Liam learned how to crochet and cross stitch, on the principle that no skill is too humble for a true Renaissance man.
Dr. Steiner was a true Renaissance man.
In an interview this morning, Carrion called Brown a «true Renaissance Man
I love the arts, especially music, science, technology and am a true renaissance man.
He's a true Renaissance man.
Over at the BFI, Nathalie Morris recounts the trailblazing career of singer, actor, athlete, and activist Paul Robeson, «a true renaissance man who overcame racial prejudice to become one of the biggest stars of his time.»
But Marie hangs on, with six months becoming six years, which is enough time for this true renaissance man to become a surrogate father to Charlotte, encouraging her to read more and a become a writer (an ambition that she puts on hold after an unexpected pregnancy), as well as a painter and jazz pianist.
Duncan Eagleson, Corvid Design's art director is a true renaissance man.
Seth MacFarlane is a true Renaissance man.
Verdict: 5 Stars Seth MacFarlane is a true Renaissance man.
Let's say Bob — in addition to being a photographer — is starting his own beverage called Bob's Cola (yes, Bob's a true renaissance man!).
While we readers are wasting our time reading Virgil and Shakespeare (we are obviously under some sort of delusion since books didn't exist until 400 years ago), the true Renaissance men of our age are discovering new ways of throwing Birds at Pigs.
He was a true Renaissance man.
A Fulbright scholar and true renaissance man, he traveled the world and over the course of his career taught English, French and linguistics, curated art exhibitions and wrote about dance.
«He was a true Renaissance man,» his daughter, Tarin Fuller,» told CBS News correspondent Jim Axelrod.
Recent exhibitions and publications on Josef Albers (1888 — 1976) have established this influential artist as a true Renaissance man of modernism — a painter, furniture designer, glass artist, writer, pedagogue, and even album cover designer.
A true renaissance man, along with a degree in Economics and a successful art career, he has also successfully written and directed an award winning short film, receiving international recognition.
The son of a German - Jewish father and Brazilian mother, the designer was a true Renaissance man — equally accomplished as a painter, sculptor, theatre designer and creator of jewelry and textile designs.
As such, he must rank as Britain's most prolific living artist, and a true Renaissance man to boot.
A true Renaissance Man, Tom Wesselmann had a degree in Psychology and went to Cooper Union to study Fine Art.
A true Renaissance man, although he might disagree...
Painter, sculptor, scholar, teacher, collector, and curator — David Driskell is a true Renaissance man.
A true Renaissance man, he had multiple talents and was a teacher, jazz musician, filmmaker, television personality, actor, wrote poetry and designed for the stage.
Being a true Renaissance man, Graham also studied painting at the Academia di Belle Arti in Florence and the Rhode Island Institute of Design as well as philosophy at Cornell University.
Michael Crichton, the Jules Verne of our modern era, was a true Renaissance man, ahead of his time, and relevant to all generations.
I recently had the pleasure of meeting a man with an extraordinary career which has been untimely cut short and I want to use this platform to draw attention to a true renaissance man.
As a true renaissance man, Paul enjoys reading historical novels just as much as lighting up rookies on the paintball field.
Richard Mishaan is a true renaissance man with an impressive career that has spanned many of the creative arts including architecture, fashion, and furniture design.
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