Sentences with phrase «true buy and hold investor»

Finally, Buffett is a true buy and hold investor.

Not exact matches

This is true even if the investor buys and holds the fund.
I see the ultimate big plus of the Valuation - Informed Indexing approach to investing being its ability to help investors become Buy - and - Hold investors not just in theory but on the real true Planet Earth as well.
If those shareholders are true buy - and - hold investors — which is the right way to do it — that is the only expense they will pay to own a stock for years to come.
In his book Contrarian Investment Strategies, David Dreman notes that while it's true that an investor who could successfully TAA could grow money on trees, TAA is difficult to practice because «real market movements give dozens of signals, madly flashing buy, sell and hold all at once».
What Kind of Property Investors Bought Historically, investors have preferred single - family residences, and that held trueInvestors Bought Historically, investors have preferred single - family residences, and that held trueinvestors have preferred single - family residences, and that held true in 2016.
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