Sentences with phrase «true cost of coal»

Stop ignoring the true cost of coal.
sig line, offers the best summary: «coal production, CTL included, is only feasible because the true costs of coal production are not being passed on to the industry and its customers.»
I wrote this yesterday, and I repeat it here — coal production, CTL included, is only feasible because the true costs of coal production are not being passed on to the industry and its customers.
But that assumption was way off base: The true cost of coal is massive, and not just to the environment and public health, but to our economy as well.
Our overarching goal is to expose the true cost of coal and make clean energy more affordable and attractive.
We will investigate and publicise the true cost of coal and urge people and policy makers to make the right choices.
When the fossil fuel sources of these environmental impacts are made to pay the true cost of the pollution created, through mandated updated technological fixes such as improved and more efficient pollution control, limited coal sources, and other mediation devices, the true cost of coal will make other energy sources more viable.
The true cost of coal can not be calculated without including the so - called airpocalypse.
Our aim is to expose the true cost of coal and create space for clean energy to take root.
That's your true cost of coal, right?
«The True Cost of Coal» (Chinese version; English version) is the second high profile report on the Chinese coal industry to be released this month, following one by a group of MIT researchers which we previously discussed here.
Pictured (L - R): Ms. Yang Ailun of Greenpeace, Professor Mao Yushu of the Unirule Institute of Economics, and Dr. Yang Fuqiang of the Energy Foundation at the press conference announcing the release of «The True Cost of Coal» on October 27 at the Swissotel, Beijing.
We need electricity - but when you take into account the true cost of coal there are much better ways to get it!
What Obama said was once the true costs of coal were internalized through taxation or cap - and - trade, that it would be uneconomical to build new coal - fired power plants and therefore no one would do so.
That's the finding of a new Harvard study that, for the first time, examines the true cost of coal throughout its entire life cycle... Clearly, the fact that coal contributes more global warming pollution than any other source in the nation is far from its only problem.
Yet we know that's only a small fraction of the true cost of coal.
The first is that while these assessments involve significant uncertainties, they agree that the true cost of coal is not accurately reflected in its market price.
The tendency to discount the true cost of coal is deeply embedded in the status quo, both politically and economically.
Moreover, the true cost of coal energy, on which Australia and the USA rely heavily, is approximately triple the market price, which does not account for factors like impacts on public or environmental health.
When you account for the effects which are not reflected in the market price of fossil fuels, like air pollution and health impacts, the true cost of coal and other fossil fuels is higher than the cost of most renewable energy technologies.
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