Sentences with phrase «true danger»

At the same time some areas of North America present true danger of heartworm infection.
While that's a virtue of society, it also teaches us to keep our guard down — and hampers our ability to assess true danger — when dealing with strangers.
He said he viewed Trump's «authoritarianism» as the true danger in his potential administration.
Thiel writes in «Against Edenism» (June / July) with a glib optimism that masks the true danger of this arrogant and at the same time nihilistic movement:
Both ends are closed minded, tend towards hate and bigotry of everyone else (as evidenced by many posts here) and are the true danger to society.
What are the true dangers of spirituality in the workplace?
Alan Hirsch talks about the importance of shared danger, and the true danger of artificially safe environments.
He picked the ball up on the left and drove infield, the Brighton defence melting away as runs right and left distracted them from the true danger.
It is always possible that, as detailed in the report, MANA may manipulate the data in ways that will hide the true dangers, but at least the data itself will be a start in the right direction.
The president claimed yesterday that the true danger to U.S. security is not climate change, but regulations
Many health experts counter that the true dangers are seen over a longer period of time and that many studies don't follow up long enough to reveal long term effects.
This response is appropriate and valuable in the case of true danger (like a bear about to eat you or Hun invaders riding over the horizon).
The episodes occur when the body goes into «fight or flight mode» without being in true danger.
The beautiful desert landscape has been transformed into a spiritless wasteland, who's exquisite aesthetics act as a mere facade concealing its true dangers and pungent realities.
The absence of true danger and, thus, suspense, proves a constant narrative obstacle, though it's nonetheless one occasionally hurdled courtesy of breakneck pacing and clean choreography that's first evident during a slam - bang opening chase, and regularly picks up again during similar sequences in which its characters race through streets, leap between apartment buildings, and sneakily infiltrate a crowded police station.
«They are the true danger in this zombie apocalypse.
But the environment is not the true danger; it is the 23 other participants to watch out for in this every - man - for - himself, twisted game.
Well, that's good, but how do these people hold up their nerves in the face of true danger, plan attacks, balance their secret lives against their public ones, and reconcile all this with their Western educations?
It is this displacement of learning that can become the true danger of the iPad when it is used too much.
The true danger of this first head of this myth is that the writer suddenly just shuts down learning as I talked about last chapter.
The true danger of believing in strong form is how it can lead people to adhere to EMH almost religiously.
* Because animal control officers are tied up with «pit bull inspections,» they are unavailable to enforce the law against the true irresponsible owners and dogs that are a true danger in their community thus leaving the citizens vulnerable.
Not only does that keep your dog safe from any toxins a mango pit may or may not have, it also keeps your dog safe from the true danger surrounding the pit: The problems it could cause if your dog swallows it.
«I think the research is paltry on the true dangers of indoor / outdoor life, and many shelters and rescue groups repeat myths, like an average lifespan of 4 years for cats who go outside, that are simply untrue,» she said.
With the public confidence in government shaken by the Vietnam War and Watergate, anti-nuclear groups gained traction by claiming there was a conspiracy by electric utilities and government regulators to cover up the true dangers of nuclear plants.
Sue Sliwinski of Sardinia, New York, who is also a director of National Wind Watch, has written: «Commercial wind power development is an environmental and economic folly, but the true danger lies in the fact that it will divert our attention and resources away from finding effective solutions to our very real and urgent problems.»
If you ever want a glimpse into the true dangers of ignoring natural resource limits, or need some fodder for light dinner conversation, give that article a skim.
Several viral videos depicting drivers cursing, using obscene gestures, attempting to run others off the road, and even resorting to physical violence have awakened the nation to the true dangers of aggressive driving.
We often take for granted the true dangers of driving, but the sad truth is, the freedom of driving comes at a great cost.
And even if we could somehow perfect a system in which an alert citizenry identifies with perfect accuracy those rare few whose mental health problems indicate a true danger, and the law enforcement system could respond appropriately in every instance to them flag in the background check system, it would still do little to prevent dangerous people from getting guns like the one Mr. Cruz allegedly used.
After being glued to the television for three days, and finally realizing that Hurricane Matthew was probably going to be a true danger to thousands of people, including my family and close friends, I thought it was finally time to get some supplies.
When in true danger we use these physiological changes to keep ourselves safe.
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