Sentences with phrase «true if the subject»

This is especially true if the subject keeps causing fights or is often brought up in the heat of an argument about a completely different subject.

Not exact matches

He did not approach a new subject that interested him and say «Gee, if I pursue this new study, I will never be a true master in any of my other studies.
Those details, and the release timeline itself, are subject to change even if they're true to Apple's current plans.
First, to determine if this effect was in fact true, the researchers conducted a series of lab experiments in which they asked study subjects to talk about products both face to face and through text messaging.
Who doesn't know that band, sticking to the subject at hand, if you are a true atheist, your name is a misnomer, and its hypoctical.
One would hope that, given the true life nature of the the subject at hand, the former wins out if this movie comes to pass.
If it is true, as Holloway argues, that the very foundations of matter and the identity of human nature are aligned upon the coming of the Word made flesh, then a society which is uncertain about the existence of God and whether Man has any meaning or purpose must be subject to crisis, alienation and chaos even more inevitably than CiV is able to show.
If the goal that makes a school «theological» is to understand God more truly, and if such understanding comes only indirectly through disciplined study of other «subject matters,» and if study of those subject matters leads to truer understanding of God only insofar as they comprise the Christian thing in their interconnectedness and not in isolation from one another, then clearly it is critically important to study them as elements of the Christian thing construed in some particular, concrete waIf the goal that makes a school «theological» is to understand God more truly, and if such understanding comes only indirectly through disciplined study of other «subject matters,» and if study of those subject matters leads to truer understanding of God only insofar as they comprise the Christian thing in their interconnectedness and not in isolation from one another, then clearly it is critically important to study them as elements of the Christian thing construed in some particular, concrete waif such understanding comes only indirectly through disciplined study of other «subject matters,» and if study of those subject matters leads to truer understanding of God only insofar as they comprise the Christian thing in their interconnectedness and not in isolation from one another, then clearly it is critically important to study them as elements of the Christian thing construed in some particular, concrete waif study of those subject matters leads to truer understanding of God only insofar as they comprise the Christian thing in their interconnectedness and not in isolation from one another, then clearly it is critically important to study them as elements of the Christian thing construed in some particular, concrete way.
Such conflicts provoke renewed inquiry into the Koran's puzzling and apparently contradictory attitudes toward Christians and Jews, the «People of the Book»: Muslims are told in the same surah («The Table»), virtually in the same breath, that Christians and Jews will attain salvation by following their own religion, but that if they deviate from true Koranic doctrine they are subject to earthly punishment and eternal damnation.
If this is true of objects, then it is all the more true of other human subjects.
If, on the other hand, the assertion is construed subjectively, as asserting that God is the eminent subject of experience, because the only individual who experiences all things as their primal source and final end, it, too, can be shown to be true necessarily, although neither literally nor analogically, but only symbolically, on the understanding that it is nevertheless really and not merely apparently true, because its implications can all be interpreted in the concepts and assertions of a transcendental metaphysics, whose application to God, as to anything else, is strictly literal.
Freedom would only be the indifferent freedom to this or that, the infinite repetition of the same or the contrary (which is only a species of the same), a freedom of the eternal return of the same Ahasverus, if it were not of necessity the final freedom of the subject to itself that is freedom to God, though this truest «object» of freedom might not be conscious in the individual free act.
Even if it is true, finally, that the text accomplishes its meaning only in personal appropriation, in the «historical» decision (and this I believe strongly with Bultmann against all the current philosophies of a discourse without the subject), this appropriation is only the final stage, the last threshold of an understanding which has first been uprooted and moved into another meaning.
If he is the true king, then he must possess a kingdom and have subjects over whom to rule.
It is true if the actual occasion or nexus that is the logical subject of the proposition in fact sustains that relation to the eternal object that the proposition attributes to it.
The Chronicler reports an act of rebellion, or suspected rebellion; but if true, his relationship to Assyria as a subject king in good standing was quickly restored.
Even in the period when Jerusalem was under the high priests, the Jews were nonetheless subject to foreign rule; and even if we concede for the sake of argument what notably was not true, that all the officials of the theocracy were high - minded men, still the people were never remote from the problem of what to do in face of a bad law.
If reports from the Turkish media are deemed to be true then Arsenal's back up goalkeeper David Ospina, is subject to a # 2.7 million bid from Besiktas.
I mention the episode because it identifies the true strength of feeling to which the passionate fan — if that is not tautological — is subjected to, and his helplessness in the face of it.
If you are reading, can you give me your opinion, it is the only opinion I trust on the subject, as to whether you think it is likely to be true that Arsenal's wage bil is forty per cent higher than spuds?
and, worrying about if some weak - spirited person is going to feel shame because they are subject to hearing true, science - based information about breastfeeding (or daycare!
I now wish my daughter will not be subjected to our culture's obsession with physical perfection, and if necessary, has her own husband to remind her of her true beauty.
If that's true, there's serious cause for concern: as recounted in a recent Washington Post op - ed on the subject, there's been a five-fold increase in the per - capita production of food dyes over the past 50 years.
U.S. District Court Judge Colleen McMahon's opinion stated that, if the plaintiffs» allegations are true, all of Pinnacle's «rent - regulated tenants either have been subjected to, or are at risk of being subjected to the same pattern of racketeering.»
In these hyperlinked days, one might reasonably guess that the subject of the first book of photographs may have been along the lines of the True Purpose of the Internet (ask someone who's seen «Avenue Q» if you don't know).
I'm struggling to find true (non conflicting), concise information on the subject of bed canopies including if they need to be grounded.
No subject is terrible if the story is true, if the prose is clean and honest, and if it affirms courage and grace under pressure.
If this effect proves to be true in human subjects it could propose reduced disease risk despite unaltered body weight.
Even if if it's true about plants generally not being complete proteins, there's still the absence of «protein deficient» subjects that no one seems to want to explain.
TRUE states on their home page «If you are a convicted criminal, be aware that you could be guilty of fraud and subject to civil and criminal penalties.»
«Inspired by true events,» The Quiet Ones presents a story loosely based on a Canadian experiment in which researchers believed subjects could conjure an entity from their collective wills — mind over matter, if you will.
It's based on an incredible true story (bonus points if the subject is suffering from a disease) and boasts an extraordinary lead performance from Eddie Redmayne.
I wonder if that's the true subject of your films, too, that casual confidence.
It is true that great artists, engineers, writers and scientists often say that their interest was focused right from early childhood, just as if they were already soaked in the subject from birth.
If true, you would expect schools to exhibit high pass rates when looking at the five subject measure, but a low average grade when considering the broader eight range.
Though while on the subject, If this does turn out to be true, It also seems like Nintendo are not directly behind the development of this «new» 2D Metroid Game either, so could we be seeing another Remake or Remaster on the cards, Is Mercury Steam behind this supposed project, as they have a great track record?
If you try to draw a wide angle subject in linear perspective (or something near it) the resulting flat pattern taxes your suspension of disbelief unbearably and you may find, as did Matisse and Bonnard, that a different sort of drawing seems truer to your experience.
It is as if, having tunneled into photography in every way imaginable, Mr. Williams has broken through to the exhibition form, which is becoming his true subject.
Thank you for speaking on this subject and making it fundamentally clear what the real problem is, not whether AGW is true or not, but whether bad science and serious research misconduct of a few can and will fundamentally undermine the scientific enterprise of many if it is not addressed.
It shows little if any true understanding of heat, temperature, thermal capacities, energy, radiation or any meaningful physical science relating to the subject in question.
If that sounds like drama, I apologize, but again, it's my true thought on this subject.
* (For a good reason, too — there are so inordinately few somewhat qualified or learned and somewhat credentialed individuals on this subject who take the manufactured «anti Climate Change theory: view one that should be pursued by nearly every scientist on the planet were it to have merit, as it is a far better end result if true, yet nevertheless is not, but persists in fact due to the enormous ideological, macroeconomically frightened (and myopically presumptive), and «good thing going» industry based pressures, behind it.)
Even if all that Michael Mann says is true (the skeptic in me always holds back on accepting the full position of anyone who is passionate about his subject), I do have one question.
In the real world, if someone purports to be an expert, they tell you that they have special knowledge of a subject, that you should rely on their judgment that certain claims are true, and they turn out to have no clue whatsoever about said claims, that person is no longer considered reliable or trustworthy.
In his contribution to Dot Earth on the subject, Ray Pierrehumbert (one of the authors of the NCC paper, and someone I know a bit and admire a great deal) says «it's true that given a thousand years or so — if technological civilization survives — it becomes likely that we could develop ways to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.»
The same is true if I ever see a post giving a good overview of the subject.
If a model ensemble was perfect such that the true observed climatic variable can be regarded as indistinguishable from a sample of the model ensemble, then the rank of each observation lies with equal probability anywhere in the model ensemble, and thus the rank histogram should have a uniform distribution (subject to sampling noise).
COPRAC's hypotheticals indicate that publishing a blog that demonstrates your knowledge of your practice area will not subject you to attorney advertising restrictions if it contains information but not offers of availability; the same is true if the blog contains articles of opinion or information on legal issues outside your practice area and does not offer your services.
Thus, criticizing the court or revealing client details online — even if the lawyer thinks she's veiled the true subject — can cause trouble for a lawyer because she runs the risk of violating rules of professional responsibility.
This is true, if an experienced librarian has front end heavy client service and training for information «discovery» or searching across multiple subject disciplines.
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