Sentences with phrase «true impact of your loss»

DENIAL: Typically denial, shock and disbelief come first and may leave you feeling numb and unable to sense the true impact of your loss.

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If Howell's findings hold true for humans, then lifestyle changes could be a major way to lessen the impact of Alzheimer's disease, saving millions of people from the devastating losses of thinking and memory.
Directed by Peter Landesman this true David and Goliath story comes at a time in the year when nearly every NFL team has suffered several losses due to injury, giving pause to think about just how violent, dangerous, and lasting the impacts of football really are; as a dialogue opener a perfect lead in has been found.
While it is true that in the beginning of a grass roots effort to shut down puppy mills there will be little noticeable impact; however, if enough people are committed to refusing to purchase puppies from these operations, eventually the loss of profit will cause them to look for greener pastures.
This is particularly true where the impact of the direct loss causes unseen contingent losses, perhaps around loss of opportunity, which could only be quantified based on specialist professional insight and experience.
O'Neill claims that her company did not experience a significant loss in terms of token sale participants, although the recent bans seem to enforce the stigma of cryptocurrencies, which certainly doesn't help: «It has a psychological impact on the way the average person views cryptocurrencies, and we've already heard people say, «well, Google's not allowing it, it must be bad» referring to all cryptocurrencies, which just isn't true.
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