Sentences with phrase «true joint custody arrangement»

Example: Mother and Father are divorced, and agree to a true joint custody arrangement over Child.
Example: Mother and Father are divorced, and agree to a true joint custody arrangement over Child.
True joint custody arrangements are rare because of their potential to cause both personal difficulties (stress, disruption of child's routine) and practical problems (scheduling, costs of maintaining two permanent living spaces for the child).
True joint custody arrangements are rare because of their potential to cause both personal difficulties (stress, disruption of child's routine) and practical problems (scheduling, costs of maintaining two permanent living spaces for the child).
Much more common than true joint custody arrangements (where both physical and legal custody are shared) is «joint legal custody,» in which both parents share the right to make long - term decisions about the raising of a child and key aspects of the child's welfare, with physical custody awarded to one parent.

Not exact matches

In true «joint custody» arrangements, parents share equal «legal custody» and «physical custody» rights.
In the past, true «joint physical custody» arrangements were more common, in which the child lived with each parent roughly half the time.
While parents who have a shared parenting arrangement will also generally have joint custody, the reverse is not always true: joint custody is often ordered in the absence of shared parenting.
In the past, true «joint physical custody» arrangements were more common, in which the child lived with each parent roughly half the time.
This is true whether she is the primary custodial parent or if parents share a joint custody arrangement.
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