Sentences with phrase «true message»

This is not a popular message, but nevertheless is the only true message.
While it is true messaging apps have a majority of similar features, each one has an area of uniqueness.
The Jewish and Christian holy books were rewritten by men thus compromising the original true message of God.
I was just sharing last night how a woman at my last church was talking about unconditional love in the face of her grandkids opening presents, but when she didn't hear the tried and true message from the previous pastor (who by the way was one of architects of the church's mission to «love God and love people unconditionally) that was a problem.
Miles» highest level of deception is «deception with false cues,» in which the animal actively tries to thwart the other's recognition of a falsehood by providing false messages which support the falsehood, whereas at level 4 the animal provides only true messages which support the falsehood (HCTL 264).
For me, this story is but a vehicle for sharing with you the true message, the living faith in what is possible.
Moreover, the true message of the difference between the futures price and the spot (cash) price can be the opposite of the superficial message, in that the lower the futures price relative to the spot price the more bullish the price implication.
I also mentioned above that the true message of the difference between the futures price and the spot (cash) price can be the opposite of the superficial message, in that the lower the futures price relative to the spot price the more bullish the price implication.
Here's the real scandal: Who would have confidence now in what ought to be the true message of Romney - Ryan?
That coupled with the fact I have come to believe the modern church has totally lost sight of the true message of Christ leaves me unwilling to ever support the institution again.
If scholarly efforts change our view of Jesus» or Paul's true message, religious beliefs and practices built on the earlier view will inevitably be brought into question.
I would be honored to have this chaplain with me or any of my loved ones at the end of our lives — this woman understands people — compassion and the true message of God.
Undermining the true message of Christ is also part of the «persecution».
Anyone who knows the true message of Christianity knows Christians desire to cease their sin because they love and worship God.
Christians did not exclude anyone from help, only those who prevented the Good News from being heard, or those who distort the true Message.
the majority of religious people have NO training in esoteric philosophy and therefore fail at understanding the true message of Christ.
Don't be fooled, always read things backwards for the true message.
That is the true message of the Qu «ran!
Praise God your kind of fundamental bullshit is being called out today and recognized for what it is... a gross perversion of the true message of Jesus.
Very nice and true message.
On Sunday, may we acknowledge the fact that the teachings of Christ could never fit into a political party or platform, that our faith is bigger than our decisions in the ballot box, and that aligning ourselves with power threatens the true message of the Gospel.
Liberal Quakers — in the most stereotyped sense — have largely left Christ and the Bible behind as cultural vestiges accidental to the true message of Quakerism.
This way you will better understand scripture, and you will be better able to understand which versions miss out on the true message.
Then all the groups have a forum where they can discuss things... so there can be a true message behind all the groups in all the cities thats the same message!
The beauty of Islam is the true message of it.
Well, I am protestant, but I love this Pope Francis and hold him in the highest esteem considering that he acknowledges and disseminates the true message of Christ.
These theologians have declared themselves the defenders of the true message of grace, but when anyone, even someone in their own group, has a disagreement, they resort quickly to charges of heresy and false gospel.
You are getting religion mixed up with the true message.
Both are so ignorant of God and the true message of scripture.
Most westerners do not seem to know him and sadly even his followers, like you mention, have forgotton his true message.
jesus came down so that he personally delivered his true message.
To state as this video has indicated that salvation is simply «a transformation of ourselves right here right now» and simply leave it at that is corrupting the true message of the NEW TESTAMENT (not Old Testament).
The west will not be polarized against Islam, but in theocracies such as Iran which blaspheme it's true message.
The true message from Prophet Muhammad is — The like of Jesus the son of Mary is the like of Adam.
I am happy to be a member of a Church that tries to follow the true message of Christ which for those of you that are Christian, know that it is to love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.
Accepting of: false prophets, crooks, thieves, no true message on morality, unwed mothers, violence in the community, illiteracy, a lack of education, etc., etc., etc..
Irony - hounds might even ask whether that hints at some kind of reversal being the true message.
They do not follow the true message of Christ, they are not true believers, and they are on the wide path to Hell.
In those days there were Jews who were using the religion for there own benefit deceiving the people of Israel, so Jesus -LCB- P.B.U.H -RCB- is telling them don't listen to them, if you want to know the true message of God, then you can only get it through me, It is as simple as that).
Lord, please open our understanding to get your true message of repentance and remission of sins and to make this known to all others for we have no control over the time left for each of us.
In response to the decision, Ilesanmi said: «I am in the United Kingdom to bring back the true message of the gospel that Christians many years ago brought to Nigeria.

Phrases with «true message»

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