Sentences with phrase «true people opinion»

«Trusted online dating sites reviews» - it's the title of the site.The most important text on the main page - «Trusted online dating sites reviews - true people opinion».

Not exact matches

Some are shortcuts and euphemisms that serve only to shield people's true thoughts and keep them from voicing their opinions.
It's true that opinions about guns are similar across age groups, even as younger people are more left - wing in general.
Beware guys, in my humble opinion this man is just one of many that exists or is yet to come whose sole purpose is to lead people astray in these end - times (only the true Christians know this is truly the end times we're living) and take note that it is the liberal websites like CNN that are complicit towards this endeavor.
True Christians aren't judging gay people or trying to force their opinions on anyone.
Summary, those who pride themselves on their openness and diversity typically are blind to their own narrow - mindedness, bigoted bias, and lack of willingness to consider true diversity — respect of people who differ from your opinion, particularly on controversial issues.
Also, I couldn't quite get this into words as I was writing before, so: I am believe that I am correct in my view of Scripture as it has been handed down to me from teachers, preachers, writers and others; I believe that I am correct in my beliefs about who God is, and about His self - revelation, in the same way that all people believe that the opinions they hold are true.
I'm all for blind faith in God, but please don't take other people's opinions as true unless you have actually done your research.
True but the friend would give his opinion is all I'm saying; if the person still wants to go down that road you let them go and you don't abandon them.
religious people such as the owner of this business are permitted to have their opinion on almost any topic; however doesn't make what they say true or acceptible in modern secular society.
True, in a particular case I do claim the right to be more objective, farseeing and wiser than a certain other person whose opinion I encounter, but I do this only because I attribute reason and honesty to all men, at least in principle, and hence also to myself, not because I prefer my own subjective opinions.
When we're talking about matters of opinion people can have their own preferences, but when we're talking about whether something is true or not: it either is or it isn't.
It's a matter of opinion whether that's true, or whether it is more comforting / motivating to any given person.
What is at first heard and perhaps scoffed at, if it is true gets listened to, thought about, and finally accepted by enough people to place behind it the power of public opinion.
The conclusion to be drawn from Riezler's treatment of public opinion is that true community must be re-established in mass society if that society is to remain a free one which serves the people.
It is my opinion that much of the «progress» we have made has formed our collective conscience falsely and that defending the «classic» definition of marriage will help to form our collective conscience more towards a true conception of the human person and the rights that belong to them.
As I currently understand, you would want to understand «opinion», «defamation», and these three concepts: «a true statement» vs a «false statement», a public person (there appear to be different types), and acting with «malice».
I agree with Bill Maher, but then again I'm a lifelong atheist... I have never believed for one minute that the god as portrayed in the bible or koran has any possibility of being real to everyone, otherwise that god would make itself obvious and not hide behind man made lies and cultural practices that self perpetuate thanks fo fear... otherwise there would not be several thousand man made religions trying to claim that god as their own... yes, it is an opinion, only valid to the opinion holder and no one else... Bill, thanks for so strongly making that point, not that it makes any difference to god fearing people... they will hold on to their opinion as strongly as they hold on to their shotgun, thinking that each provides them with some form of security... to intelligent people, neither is secure and neither leads to true freedom of the mind...
I mention this for what it is worth, realizing quite well that what people think is no indication of what is true; realizing also that Christian faith is not to be «cut» to the measure of popular opinion.
hypocrite — a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives dissembler, dissimulator, phoney, phony, pretender beguiler, cheater, deceiver, trickster, slicker, cheat — someone who leads you to believe something that is not true
Just because a lot of people don't know any better, is their opinion true or valid.
I'm speaking about the people that seem to think that a certain (name your disaster here...) happened, «because» God is (fill in your opinion of what God is mad at here...) «He's mad at the gays, he's mad at the non-believers (anyone other than a «true Christian»), etc...
Personally, I welcome — this being a debate site - real people with real fan opinions and have no intention of saying less than I mean, since to me that is hypocritical at worst or sitting on the fence at best, in true Alan Smith style (as opposed to fine proper and honest, as they see it, pundits like NEVILLE, CARRAGHER AND SOUNESS, who are above all honest and earn their corn - unlike Walcott - by doing the job they are paid to do.)
People have various opinions on Wenger, hence the constant battle between AKB's and WOB's, but I think we can all agree on one thing — he's a loyal man, and has always stayed true to his principles and beliefs.
While I can only do so much, the children still get bombarded with those things at home, I'm glad that in my class, they have a safe place to express themselves in a way that's true to them, and can learn to respect each other's differences, and even stand up for each other to defend the other person's choices and opinions.
Question: Is this true, and what is the general opinion of all Kashmiri people in regards to independence?
This is not true, given that huge numbers of eligible voters don't have strong opinions on issues and that even people with reasonably well formed views may not flip their vote (even in competitive primaries) based on those views.
It is simply not true that people require full sight of a person to establish an accurate opinion of her (or his) truthfulness.
«The longing of the people of Scotland for their own parliament rings clear and true every time opinion is sounded.
«People have all kinds of opinions, it's just not true,» Cuomo spokesperson Rich Azzopardi told Gotham Gazette.
Finally, there's an anti-multiverse argument which I commend George for avoiding, but which is in my opinion the most persuasive one of all for most people: the parallel universes just seems too weird to be true.
What's true for one person may not be true for another, but it is true that the more we seek out the whole story instead of simply that which confirms our pre-existing opinions, the better off we'll all be.
The same difference of opinion will be true if a person wanting to build a large muscled physique is debating the four best bodyweight exercises with an ultramarathon runner.
However, I hold to the opinion that you can't simply rank exercises and say it is true for all people.
I am used to this type of questions and usually I answered them that NO, people using Russian dating sites are not desperate and they are not losers, as the popular opinion holds, they are good honest people looking for their true love, etc, etc..
I am true to who I am as a person, very open minded, other people's harsh opinions don't bother me and I like to be straight forward with things.
Showing multiple examples of this, Weitz effectively tells us his opinion, that the «real» people who know their product, and care about their colleagues and customers, are the true heroes, not those who drive flash cars, and only know jargon and catchphrases.
In today's diverse society, people might have differing opinions on what constitutes true wisdom.
«The one thing that I know that seems to hold true,» he replied, «is that technology is going to continue to lend a hand in things, that the fundamental truths will never go away — that people do love to connect with one another, they do love to associate with one another, they love to share their thoughts and opinions, that we hate to be sold but we love to buy things — and so whatever's going to happen in the future is going to facilitate that and make it easier and easier.»
The thing that really drive me nuts is they are true but RIM will fix this fast but a year after this is changed people will still be saying «but it has no native support for email and calendar» they won't ever update their opinion they won't bother to make sure the fact is still a correct one they will just tell all their friends the same thing, «oh don't get one of those there is no native....»
i think the main factor that can cause you a fail in the investement world is not to do Research and i do nt think you gave it its true power in your article, now internet — the easiest info base you can acess in my opinion - has a LOT of informations and experiences and everything you wan na learn and know really and i think its a shame that most people ignore this before you go to any investement i think you should do some serious research on it and especially the experiences and advices of the people that are there before.
Is this true or just the opinion of that person based on single experience and anecdotal evidence?
In true fashion Internet users took to the forums and proceeded to rage at everyone, once again somehow forgetting that other people might have different opinions from their own and that they didn't actually have any facts yet on which to form solid opinions.
Many people complain that reviewers are biased, and that's true — a review is a personal opinion so it's going to be biased.
[24][25] He explains why, in his opinion, Midna's people did not succeed; it was because they lacked true power.
While all of this is of course true, making this in my opinion the greatest GTA game ever, it is far from perfect, something that very few people have dared to talk about.
Perhaps it does reflect some people's opinion, but it is not true generally.
I think it quite true that there is an all - round tendency to lump people into extreme categories when there are in fact all shades of opinion in what is really a spectrum.
-LRB-...) If «Everyone's entitled to their opinion» just means no - one has the right to stop people thinking and saying whatever they want, then the statement is true, but fairly trivial.
«[M] ost of what people take the time to write is legal analysis, law current events, opinions about these things, etc.» Again, he is talking about academics, but the point is true of a range of legal blogs.
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