Sentences with phrase «true protagonist»

It's Trilling, one of mid-twentieth century criticism's titanic figures, who stands as the truest protagonist of the tragedy of literary criticism.
The book's true protagonist, though, is Sooners coach Bud Wilkinson, a man who, on the surface at least, was a paragon of virtues.
The terror of the summit, which came with everything, including the true protagonist, and bringing back a movie legend.
However, the true protagonists of the film are an F.B.I. agent (Mark Ruffalo) and Interpol agent (Melanie Laurent), who are forced to work together, so that they might take down the slippery illusionists.
Claflin disappoints a bit, as he lands the wide - eyed naïf aspect of Brian, but lacks an extra dimension to turn the character into a true protagonist / audience surrogate.
She is at once a muse and a burden, and even the true protagonist of this love story, as Anderson frames the film curiously around her recalling their story.
Nicky emerges as the true protagonist of the story, albeit one who observes and witnesses more than he takes action.
In addition, it is the inescapable anxiety and agony that marks the countenance of the actors that serves as the true protagonist of the film.
For all those viable candidates, the true protagonist is Ward's little brother, Jack (Zac Efron), whom Ward enlists to both babysit Charlotte and serve as a buffer in interactions with their father and soon - to - be stepmother (Scott Glenn and Nealla Gordon).
Building on that thinking, the narrative has been revealed to be the true protagonist.
Afterward, gamers are shocked to discover that the true protagonist is Raiden, a rookie operative who's on the hunt for the Sons of the Patriots and the terrorist organization Dead Cell.
With the set having become part of nature, it is the West Texas landscape that emerges as the true protagonist.
After evaluating various centrality measures of characters (well connected, centrally located, etc.), the data shows that Tyrion Lannister is the true protagonist.
Of the two main characters, Joel and Ellie, there's only one true protagonist.
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