Sentences with phrase «true replacement»

Our hiring process has been developing over the years in order to ensure that we get true replacements for ourselves.
If your dwelling limit accurately reflects your home's true replacement cost, some insurance companies will pay more than the limit if a covered loss is greater than the limit on your policy.
If your dwelling limit accurately reflects your home's true replacement cost, some companies will pay more than the limit if a covered loss is greater than the limit on your policy.
PaperNuts represents the first true replacement for environmentally...
You can't really find true replacements for the likes of Henry, vieira or sanchez.
Increased use of modern «component - based» estimating programs has also improved coverage adequacy, since true replacement cost values are now calculated on a risk - specific basis.
As a result, the $ 25 billion Airbus spent on the A380 program could have been better used to elsewhere like a rival for Boeing's next - generation 777X or a true replacement for the aging 757.
You've probably noticed that tires aren't made out of Silly Putty these days, though - that's because the toy lacked certain properties to make it a true replacement for rubber.
Gabriel also looks more like a makeshift defender rather than a true replacement of Per, who is finally paying the price of his mistakes.
Matic will have a role to play but we need a true replacement for Michael as Matic won't be truly ready for a few years yet.
(Assembly Housing Committee Chair Keith Wright has proposed creating new subsidies for low - income housing, but sources the Observer spoke with agreed this is not a true replacement for 421a and the middle - income tenants targeted under MIH).
But JWST is not a true replacement.
InDesign is the true replacement for FreeHand Many designers are still upset that Adobe took FreeHand off the market.
Bob Nell, director of Digital Paper Solutions of Sony Electronics, stated that, «This is a true replacement for the vast amounts of paper that continue to clutter many offices and institutions.»
I wish it could fit a credit card (in order to make the StashBelt a true replacement for my USB Stick Trick pocket of joy), but that would make the belt way too wide for most belt loops.
But we go far beyond what most insurance companies provide, by calculating the true replacement cost of your home just prior to your annual policy renewal.
Having your house insured for the true replacement cost of your home rather than the value of your home can reduce your premiums.
True replacement would pay for the closest current (or not current in the case of antiques) item.
There are two kinds of replacement value: true replacement and functional replacement.
This method is a true replacement for the nav bar icons.
Instead, the company believes in wireless audio being the true replacement for the 3.5 mm audio jack but that shift will take a longer time.
We also saw the schematics of a so - called Gear Sport pass through the FCC, which could be the first real follow - up to the excellent Gear S2 that debuted in 2015 — the Gear S3 managed to be more of a companion product rather than a true replacement.
These options were previously available via the quick settings menu and while brightness boost probably won't be missed considering the new toggle, theater mode is something I'm sad to see go since there isn't any true replacement for it yet.
Social media, email, and instant messaging may seem to bring us closer together, but they're no true replacement for human contact.
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