Sentences with phrase «truly holy person»

If you have ever encountered a truly holy person, such as happened to Fr Christopher in his meeting with St Henry Morse in Newgate in 1645, «His face was so lit up with joy that if I had been a heathen or a heretic, the experience of sweetness I then had would have won me to the faith he professed.»
I have met very few truly holy people in my life.

Not exact matches

I'm a very secular person and I don't really subscribe to any religion, but I think in doing this, she reveals herself as the stuck - up, conceited, and holier - than - thou person she truly is.
The heathens that I post about that say they are religious but are truly evil are the same kinds of people God was warning the Holy Prophet about.
guyFromVA Here is another interpretation: To make clear that being a Christian truly involves communion with the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity within the household of God, one ought to use biblical and patristic terms.
My impression of these religious leaders was that they used tradition and their external «holy appearance» as a means of authority to simply govern people's lives and not truly lead them to God.
Jeremy Myers, i think you are wrong and David is right, so many out there are preaching you can live any way you want and be right that Grace covers any sin, they really believe that, that is not what the bible says, God was very concerned about sin so much he sent Jesus his son to die on a cross for us, if we accept Jesus as our savor then we are to obey his commandments, not break them, we are to live a righteous and holy life as possible, the bible plainly list a whole list of things if we live in will not to to heaven unless we repent, if we die while in these sins, we will not go to heaven, what is the difference, between someone who said a prayer and someone who did not, and they are living the same way, none, i think, if we are truly saved it should be hard to do these things let alone live and do them everyday, i would be afraid to tell people that it does not matte grace covers their sins, i really think it is the slip ups that we are convicted of by the Holy Spirit and we ask for forgivness, how can anyones heart be right with God and they have sex all the time out of marriage, lie, break every commandment of God, i don't think this is meaning grace covers those sins, until they repent and ask for forgiveness, a lot of people will end up in hell because preachers teach Grace the wrong way,, and those preachers will answer to God for leading these people the wrong way, not saying you are one of them, but be careful, everything we teach or preach must line up with the word of God, God hates holy life as possible, the bible plainly list a whole list of things if we live in will not to to heaven unless we repent, if we die while in these sins, we will not go to heaven, what is the difference, between someone who said a prayer and someone who did not, and they are living the same way, none, i think, if we are truly saved it should be hard to do these things let alone live and do them everyday, i would be afraid to tell people that it does not matte grace covers their sins, i really think it is the slip ups that we are convicted of by the Holy Spirit and we ask for forgivness, how can anyones heart be right with God and they have sex all the time out of marriage, lie, break every commandment of God, i don't think this is meaning grace covers those sins, until they repent and ask for forgiveness, a lot of people will end up in hell because preachers teach Grace the wrong way,, and those preachers will answer to God for leading these people the wrong way, not saying you are one of them, but be careful, everything we teach or preach must line up with the word of God, God hates Holy Spirit and we ask for forgivness, how can anyones heart be right with God and they have sex all the time out of marriage, lie, break every commandment of God, i don't think this is meaning grace covers those sins, until they repent and ask for forgiveness, a lot of people will end up in hell because preachers teach Grace the wrong way,, and those preachers will answer to God for leading these people the wrong way, not saying you are one of them, but be careful, everything we teach or preach must line up with the word of God, God hates sin,
Priests who were truly holy would not have abused young people; nor would they have allowed others to do so.»
The Joint Declaration puts a strong emphasis on baptism, in which «the Holy Spirit unites one with Christ, justifies and truly renews the person
It's not just keeping Him in the church, but more like the God in the Iron Mask; we don't even know what He is truly like, and thought the person we've put on the throne does has power, it is angry, vengeful, controlling, paranoid, the very best that man can do without Holy Spirit.
There are a lot of misunderstandings in churches today about what the Holy Spirit does and who He is, but when we truly consider the whole council of God, we discover that He always prefers to remain out of the way and behind the scenes, gently and quietly point people to Jesus Christ.
Farther more, and this is probably more in line with what you are talking about there is what is known as special revelation, which is that if a person truly wants to be saved, the Holy Spirit will find them and reveal God to them.
warns us that «a lack of experience of the beauty of what is truly good, a lack of taste for the holy — turns people... towards the pursuit of material pleasure.»
I say this because those truly open to the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the operation of spiritual gifts are now in the majority among evangelicals in the UK.
This disciplined ideal, underscored throughout his childhood, set Wesley on a quest for the answer to one question: «How can I be the kind of person that God created me to be, and that I truly long to be, a person holy in heart and life?»
A mustached Paul Rudd truly enjoys the solitude; he claims to be able to focus his downtime into gaining what he considers valuable skills, like learning foreign languages, and that being away from people — like his girlfriend, Madison who is also, by way of holy - shit - it's - a-small-world, Lance's sister — actually helps him better himself.
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