Sentences with phrase «truly meaningful way»

Sure, there's the addition of buildings, vehicles and crafting, but none of them alter the core gameplay in any truly meaningful way.
Collecting supplies for APOs provides an easy and truly meaningful way you can help the shelters and rescue groups continue their important work.
Custom sponsorship programs allow Sponsors to meet their unique marketing goals in a truly meaningful way.
But we have to be ready and willing to make sure the content we produce represents us in a truly meaningful way.
Our primary focus is on taking care of our customers in truly meaningful ways.

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I'm about to share the four ways to create truly meaningful relationships with your customers that will take your startup to the next level.
As Deepa Prahalad and Ravi Sawhney's Map the Future of Design for Enhanced Customer Experience suggested, «The key to developing truly breakthrough products and services can be found in first understanding the consumer experience and then innovating meaningful ways of transforming it.»
Although «sex education» has made its way into high school classrooms, truly meaningful discussions about the spiritual implications of haphazard sexual behavior, and / or about the importance of conceiving babies consciously, gestating them in loving and trauma - free wombs, birthing them gently, and parenting them consciously, are sadly absent.
Nicole's curious, caring spirit and passionate heart are transforming women's health in a truly holistic, meaningful way.
Educators need a model that acknowledges the centrality of standards but also ensures that students truly understand content and can apply it in meaningful ways.
It is the connection between individuals, the exchange of ideas, finding new and different ways of viewing and solving problems that is the source of truly deep and meaningful learning.
It's truly a lasting gift of love, and one of the easiest, most meaningful ways to perpetuate your support.
When you're talking about very difficult tasks that a dog doesn't have a lot of innate skill in — force fetch for example — it can take a month to truly establish that skill on the dog in any meaningful and useful way.
If games truly are about providing meaningful choices to the player, then allowing players to determine the flow of the narrative itself is one of the most powerful and effective ways that games can truly claim to be interactive.
Where Bioshock faltered with making me truly feel as if the two characters were really connecting in any meaningful way, The Last of Us gives us the most honest, believable, and heartbreaking relationship ever seen in a videogame.
But, as I was telling this managing partner, the acid test for whether you truly have a strategy that distinguishes you in some meaningful way is: Do you have the courage and discipline to turn away business that does not fit with your focus.
For my team, that means building the first digital personal assistant in a way that is truly meaningful to individuals globally.
They are dedicated to what they do, which is to create meaningful products that truly enhance people's lives, and are made in an ethical way.
Built - in support for every type of learner, embedded professional development support, and meaningful ways to involve families are just a few of the features that make our assessment solutions truly unique.
By processing our past in a meaningful way, we can accept the love that we truly deserve.
While everyone might have their own opinion on what to do first, the reality is if you are truly decorating in a way that is authentic and meaningful to you, there is no «one size fits all» answer to the question of where you should begin.
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