Sentences with phrase «truly poor experience»

While barriers for authors are lower, readers face a higher chance of a truly poor experience.

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That being said, i had experienced the consequences of cutting corners and getting inexpensive stroller systems with my son, and I went through several due to poor quality, and how they would basically fall apart, that being said, Finding stores that had all the models I was interested in was almost impossible, secondly, finding someone at any of these stores or boutiques that was truly knowledgable about the different systems was also impossible.
Much like the style - but - iffy - substance of Gravity (a poor man's version of that movie, but yours truly's opinion), Everest is best experienced with all of the frills, bells, and whistles.
In fact, Wisconsin has provided the poor their first experience of an integrated and truly public education.
In a world where our current generation of games is defined by shooters, explosions and poor writing, or in other words Call of Duty, the Witcher 2 is a breath of fresh air, providing one of the most captivating stories that I've had the pleasure of experiencing in some time that's backed up by solid gameplay and one of the few truly believable fantasy worlds in gaming.
Wii Sports may have been a phenomenon, but this was a poor substitute for a truly powerhouse Nintendo launch title that could have both demonstrated what the system does best and delivered a memorable experience.
People are already amazing but sometimes life experiences, circumstances, illness and relationships can impose clouded judgment, maladaptive behavior, poor self esteem and obstacles from achieving what we truly desire and deserve.
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