Sentences with phrase «truly understand some people»

«You'll never truly understand another person until you've walked a mile in his shoes.»
I truly understand some people see these cats as worth saving but your only compounding the problem that exists.

Not exact matches

Once you understand what's truly going on on the other side of the fence, and have the other person's needs in mind, the listening has one overarching theme: How can I help the other person?
Very few people writing about this new industry in the mainstream press truly understood how personal computers had already begun to revert to institutional machines.
What these people know — and what more Canadians need to understand — is that truly innovative companies tend to create more value as time goes on, as they shed the hype and tumult of the startup phase and gain the customers, experiences and processes needed to become global businesses.
Both leaders see long - form writing as a source of insight into what the people around them truly do and do not understand.
«My mom told me to make certain that I truly understand the motivations of people seeking to invest with me.
The discussion centered on different perspectives on the Iraq War, but the takeaway was, in order to truly understand others, people need to feel what actions have caused them to feel.
Few people truly understand it, and even fewer demonstrate it effectively.
The discussion centered on different perspectives on the War On Iraq, but the takeaway was, in order to truly understand others, people need to feel what actions have caused them to feel.
Instead of focusing on what you're going to say next, tune in to the other person and listen carefully — with the goal to truly understand their problem.
«This book helps me appreciate that the successful entrepreneur understands other people with complementary skills are needed to make your business truly successful.
These people truly understand the benefit of the herb.»
Many people know that binary options provide an effective way to earn extra income, but not many people truly understand what they are.
And in a world where most people you're sitting with are simply waiting for you to stop talking so they can say whatever is in their heads already - this level of paying attention, trying to understand the person you're sitting with & truly engaging is rare.
Troy says 5 years ago he had never heard of «venture capital» yet when I've seen him be interviewed before or even in our discussions he uses industry terms in technology and venture that display a sophisticated understanding of the way our industry works in a way that only a truly engaged and curious person could master in a short period of time.
I believe the most successful people in business and life are the people who really pay attention to these details, who truly try to understand the motives and intentions of the person with whom they're interacting and try to find common ground (or decide this isn't a person they can work with).
Most people fail to understand what investing is truly about — the numbers.
If you've ever been curious about what happens at Tony Robbins events, or just want to get a better understanding of the world - renowned life and business strategist, from how he prepares for 60 + hours on stage in front of thousands of people to what truly drives him to do what he does, this film is a must - see.
These sorts of special companies are rare enough that I truly don't understand why people aren't chomping at the bit to get their hands on some, not in the usual sense of «picking stocks», but as a permanent addition to the family's collection of assets that throw off passive income.
«Your presentation was incredible — a great combination of information and humor — and I truly feel as if I have a better understanding of who Warren Buffett is as a person, a businessman, a scientist, a genius, and a humanitarian.
That sounds patently obvious at face value but it's truly surprising how many people don't understand financial advising.
This is truly a confused person... He clearly does not understand the word of God.
If you truly knew or understood the significance of Christ's sacrifice (death and resurrection)... you would realize how truly God LOVES the world (people)... You... & Me.
Father John Harvey states (in The Homosexual Person: New Thinking in Pastoral Care) that some homosexuals may be victims of truly compulsive behavior and as such deserve our special sympathy and understanding; but even these unfortunate individuals, he notes, may exercise the choice to seek help.
If one truly goes in depth and tries to understand the creation of life, the person will eventually go insane.
Today I read this and realize that there are people out there that get it - that understand love and what it is about - thank you for such a wonderful piece of writing - keep doing what you are doing because you, truly, are doing God's work.
I speak to myself often so that I know I am talking to at least one person who truly understands Jesus» truth.
This is a very well spoken article, i am le tell it truly comes from the heart as i read on, personally i think that all of these sceptics out there should read this article that way people can understand more about why the burial occured with such haste!
Just believing something because you are to naive to know better (i.e. a child believing in Santa) is very different from a person studying their religion, coming to truly understand it, and choosing to believe it.
Alot of people truly don't understand prosperity christianity.
Listen Humble themselves (that is, don't control the situation, and don't assume they understand or perceive the situation perfectly) Identify how they contributed to the situation (whether consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly) Take responsibility Apologise Allow the other person to express what they want done (and do it, if it is within the pastor's ability, and truly helpful) Support the other person's decisions, even if the pastor disagree with them Empower the other person at every step Part friends if possible, and at peace, if at all possible (and never go to court — Jesus and Paul call this dangerous and ridiculous, respectively)
Any religious person who truly understands the issue supports the separation.
So we modify our answer: a school is truly theological to the extent that it is a community of persons seeking to understand God, and all else in relation to God, by studying other matters that are believed to lead to that understanding.
In this chapter, the author refines the thesis that a theological school is a community of persons trying to understand God more truly by focusing its study within the horizon of questions about Christian congregations.
It should be mandatory that every person who knows they are dying truly gets to understand what Jesus teaches and weren't conned (or, don't care) by some false preacher / teacher discussing man made lies..
They are interests relevant to understanding God, however, because of how God is present to be apprehended and not because they are morally admirable and compelling interests — although they are certainly that also — that persons bring with them to the effort as a theological school to understand God truly.
We can elaborate our thesis now: A theological school is a group of people who engage in a set of social practices whose overarching end is to understand God more truly.
We have been elaborating what is involved in saying that a theological school is a community of persons trying to understand God truly.
The point to be made, then, is that as a community of persons that seeks to understand God truly, a theological school is a community seeking to learn concepts, that is, to grow in abilities and capacities relative to God.
This is the force of characterizing a theological school, not simply as a group of people whose overarching goal is to understand God, but as a group of people whose overarching goal is try to understand God more truly simply for the sake of understanding God.
My proposal has been that a theological school is a group of persons whose overarching end is to understand God more truly.
You will hear only denunciation in the days ahead from people who truly understand their relationship with Jesus Christ.
The very idea of the boundless worth of the individual person can be truly and inwardly understood largely through the experience of the parent - child relationship.
Heinous deeds are committed by people of all faiths every day, by men and women who do not truly understand God, but one can not logically blame God for the deeds of mankind.
So we modified our characterization of a theological school: It is, I suggested, a community of persons trying to understand God more truly by way of studying some other thing or things whose study is supposed to enhance our understanding of God.
What makes a school «theological,» as I argued in Part One, is that it is a community of persons engaged together in the enterprise of trying to understand God more truly.
Like Bohannon, he says it's critical to truly understand the problem facing the people you desire to help.
In Love» s Knowledge and elsewhere Nussbaum uses the fiction of Proust, Henry James, Dickens, and others to buttress her claim that the emotions are not necessarily opposed to reason» that, in fact, a truly rational person will experience certain emotions as the consequence of proper understanding.
I wanted to truly understand these views, and why people believed them.
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