Sentences with phrase «trusted messenger»

Planned Parenthood is a trusted messenger and a natural rallying point for pro-reproductive health voters.
At a time when the natives were being instructed and told what to do by the Spaniards, she chose a low class Indian to be her trusted messenger who was to instruct the Spaniards through the person of the Bishop and tell them what to do.
Remember a trusted message comes from a trusted messenger.
While privacy policies were originally intended to be a protection mechanism for consumers, they have turned into «ownership policies,» said Nico Sell, CEO of the Wickr Foundation, the non-profit arm of a company that bills itself as the world's most trusted messenger site.
The opponents of charters have long - term cash to put behind their falsehoods, and people have trusted those messengers for generations; they don't check the facts unless they experience them personally.
As educators and trusted messengers in our communities, we must make sure the public is informed and not fooled by presidential candidates who say they believe in a world - class education system but have a history of starving our public schools of critical funding and supporting flawed so - called reforms that don't work.
The guide contains detailed information on eight keys to success for summer learning recruitment: understand your audience; create engaging messaging; create a written plan; make your outreach consistent and assertive; use trusted messengers; build a relationship with parent and students; make registration as easy as possible; and engage directly with students.
«Recent surveys of meteorologists have indicated that their belief or disbelief in human cause trying climate change is really an extension of the broader public misunderstanding, and that's a real problem because meteorologists are among the most trusted messengers of information about climate change.»
Additionally, nurses and doctors are among the most trusted messengers for the general public.
A concerted campaign to inform the public about the scientific consensus would ideally involve numerous exposures to the key message, conveyed by a variety of trusted messengers [6, 20].
Research shows that meteorologists are trusted messengers on climate change.
The value and validity we placed in this news is determined by how much we trust the messenger, the publisher.
And as trusted messengers, we can deliver information that goes beyond the scope of traditional early learning — to support the well - being of children and families.

Not exact matches

By meeting them where they are, with messengers that they trust, and in a voice that resonates, it's our goal to make sure they know that politics and elections can impact their lives,» Feriozzi told Business Insider in a statement.
Research that I have done over the past decade suggests that a chemical messenger called oxytocin accounts for why some people give freely of themselves and others are coldhearted louts, why some people cheat and steal and others you can trust with your life, why some husbands are more faithful than others, and why women tend to be nicer and more generous than men.
I saw the Horatio Alger hero, the dream of a sick America, mounting higher and higher, first messenger, then operator, then manager, then chief, then superintendent, then vice-president, then president, then trust magnate, then beer baron, then Lord of all the Americas, the money god, the god of gods, the clay of clay, nullity on high, zero with ninety seven thousand decimals for and aft....
So believe in God and His messengers and do not speak of a «Trinity» — stop, that is better for you — God is only one God, He is far above having a son, everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Him and He is the best one to trust» Al Qur» an 4: 171
First, a sense of trust in the messenger must be aroused (chapter five), and then curiosity, itself comprising three stages (chapter six).
The messenger added: «You can not refuse to obey the pope, who trusts in you.»
That approach can be frustrating at times, because the message is so devastating to whatever trust the public has left in its government that we might want to ensure that the messenger is on the level.
Messengers with credibility and shared experience with a given community have a far greater chance of earning trust on a message that could seem threatening.
Statistical information and accurate scientific data are crucial, but trusted «peer» messengers and personal stories are vital for achieving public engagement
Both of those arguments are obviously ad hominum - trust the message because of the messenger.
In his role as Parent Possible's Program Director for Vroom, Andy is responsible for developing and sustaining a network of trusted brain - development messenger partners across the state.
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