Sentences with phrase «truth about crime»

The list of crimes reported by the three major cruise lines gave travelers a peek into the truth about crime at sea.
Not since HBO's excellent series The Wire has a piece of entertainment so relentlessly shown us tangled truth about crime and crime fighters.
After covering this epidemic for four years, I know the Catholic Church is still doing all it can to hide the truth about the crimes..
The truth about these crimes needs to be provided for the protection of victims of those crimes but also people and society (national and international) in general: the identity formation taking place in schools touches upon individual and collective (national) identities at the same time, the objectives of education under international human rights law demand putting a student, an individual, in the centre of the learning process to fully develop his personality and at the same time take into account the demands of democratic society in state and in the world — the world in which a person needs to manage and which needs good peaceful citizens.
After the KGB, Mantis joined the FBI where he used his abilities to probe the minds of killers and find out the truth about their crimes.

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Moreover, they were also able to deflect attention from the crimes committed by Stalin and his henchmen, especially since anyone who told the truth about what was taking place in the USSR was immediately branded a Fascist.
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However the truth about Nottingham is that crime is falling in virtually every category,» he insisted.
An anguished Dana pressures Finn to come clean about their hidden crime, but her quest to tell the truth collides with her father's secret mission in ways neither could have foreseen.
But the truth is that a movie about deeply personal obsessions can't work if it doesn't have some of its own, and the prevailing mood of The Current War is indifference; there's no point listing the crimes against the past committed by Michael Mitnick's dramatically inept script, which ends with a tacked - on, emotionally manipulative paean to the wonders of cinem - ah that anyone who cares about film history will likely find insulting.
But the throughlines are kept clean and comprehensible because as grotesque as the crimes are, «Spotlight» is ultimately not about them, but about the heroism of speaking truth to power.
The prohibition of denial of clearly established historical facts about crimes against humanity constitutes in itself a protection of truth (which the victims of crimes against humanity have a right to claim in the court).
A violent death sends her community reeling, but the shocking crime is only a prelude to the gut - wrenching, gob - smacking truths about to be exposed in this supremely entertaining page - turner.
As well as educating about autism, Asperger's and aspects of crime scene investigation, Picoult deals with motherhood and brotherhood and what truth really is.
«In Donna Leon's sure hands, the crime novel becomes an instrument for exploring social justice and universal truths about human behavior while beautifully telling a compelling story.»
Revenge is all he can think about, but upon discovering that Eric (not a very nice guy to begin with) may have committed a crime, Ben finds himself trying to suppress the truth while simultaneously seeking it out.Across town and almost a month before the murder of Eric Sullivan, best friends Dagan Jefferson and Brendan Phillips come across a mysterious homemade knife while cleaning out the garage of...
In Buyer Beware: The Crimes, Lies and Truth About Pet Food, Susan Thixton shares text from the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act (FD&C Act), Section 402.
Douglas, the truth about the global climate engineering / geoengineering / solar radiation management programs will soon be known by the masses, how do you think they will react to those who did their best to cover - up the highly toxic and environmentally devastating climate engineering crimes?
But the ABC's Ministry of Truth, is not so much concerned about «the prominent coverage» given to Steven Cooper's study, Graham Lloyd's «crime» against the Party was to have published anything about the study at all.
One day, 30 years later, in Gates v. Discovery Communications, Inc., the California Supreme Court overturned the decision and declared that people are free to tell the truth about others» past crimes.
If you truly want to understand how difficult it is to establish the truth in a courtroom, read Arthur & George, a novel by Julian Barnes about the conviction and imprisonment of someone for a crime he did not commit.
The truth about sentencing, as the Supreme Court suggests, is that it should be about the individual crime and the person who committed it.
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