Sentences with phrase «truth about global climate change»

Finally, the common sense scientists are getting some media coverage in reporting the truth about global climate change.

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Will the Wall Street Journal's editorial writers accept a challenge to learn the truth about the science of global climate change?
Exactly a decade after Al Gore delivered a blistering (and yes, incontrovertible) wake - up call about global warming and climate change in the Oscar - winning power - point documentary An Inconvenient Truth, he's back (not that he ever took a break) with this hopeful travelogue tracking his tireless globe - trotting crusade to help save the planet.
Students watched An Inconvenient Truth — former U.S. Vice President Al Gore's documentary about global warming — and studied the science behind climate change (including arguments that it is not a crisis humans caused).
But if you open your mind, you will find it's quite true that billions have been spent to obscure the truth about climate change due to global warming caused by heat - trapping greenhouse gases.
The Sweeney Agency describes Lomborg as an «Author and Speaker on the Environment and Climate Change,» noting that one of the topics Lomborg speaks about is «The Truth About Global Warming»about is «The Truth About Global Warming»About Global Warming»: [3]
The litany of failed, alarmist predictions is why scientific organisations, such as the BoM, have — tragically — become almost the last places to hear the truth about global warming climate change.
It's a welcome change - the global audience is finally learning the truth about the real climate change and the actual lackluster global warming.
This chart (click on to enlarge) and the factual truth it represents about global warming and climate change is not one you'll see in the latest IPCC AR5 report summary.
The truth about Anthropogenic Global Warming aka Climate Change The climate is changing as it alwaClimate Change The climate is changing as it alwaclimate is changing as it always has.
Since his book «The Climate Files: The Battle for the Truth About Global Warming,» I have viewed Pearce as one of a few truly important voices in the media on the subject of climate Climate Files: The Battle for the Truth About Global Warming,» I have viewed Pearce as one of a few truly important voices in the media on the subject of climate climate change.
The global warming / climate change movement doesn't give a damn about the truth.
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