Sentences with phrase «truth about human existence»

If the Church proclaims the truth about human existence, then literature, according to Aristotle's definition, must also reflect something of this reality.
«Although I am an atheist, I respect all religions and take them seriously as vast symbol systems containing deep truth about human existence.
I believe that stories communicate both the gospel and the truth about the human existence, but more importantly, they awaken in us something long repressed by our modern culture: life itself is a story.

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A hallmark of the Catholic tradition is that God's existence (though not His Trinitarian nature), the existence of the incorporeal soul (though not the nature of the after life and the beatific vision), the nature of the human person (though not the full truth about the indwelling of grace), and the natural law are all accessible to us without divine Revelation.
For both Augustine and Hobbes the bellum omnium is a marginal case, illustrative of certain truths about human nature but not, except in situations of exceptional breakdown, actually descriptive of normal human existence.
If Philip Larkin's fine words about An Arundel Tomb (that what remains after death is our loving) are the truth — and something deep in human existence affirms that they are — then what matters most of all about any one of us is the way in which and the degree to which we are enabled to contribute, however imperfectly this must seem to us, to the delight of God and the implementation of God's will and way in the world.
But it makes good logical sense to say that as elements of human knowledge, the so - called apriori truths are mere hypotheses about the universal conditions of existence.
As to their presuming to set their destination, surely the editors can not complain about that, since they so strongly agree with the Supreme Court dictum in Casey that there is no higher truth than «the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.»
Whatever we perceive to be the truth about God, I think there is some things we all can agree on, believers and anyone who doesn't believe in the existence of God and that is that it is self evident that all are born equal and with dignity and it's best if everyone relate to each other as part of the human family.
But I think truths about society and human existence can be approached in different ways.
Since a commenter mentioned the medieval vineyards in England, I've been engaged on a quixotic quest to discover the truth about the oft - cited, but seldom thought through, claim that the existence of said vineyards a thousand years ago implies that a «Medieval Warm Period «was obviously warmer than the current climate (and by implication that human - caused global warming is not occuring).
«Those who witness extreme social collapse at first hand seldom describe any deep revelation about the truths of human existence.
Horizon: Zero Dawn follows the story of Aloy, a young woman and tribe outcast intent on finding the truth about her parentage and existence as she hunts robot dinosaurs and human bandits.
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