Sentences with phrase «truth about human nature»

But it's a gentleness that masks a hard truth about human nature.
He was also a thinker, and in his research was always philosophically reflective, looking not only for truth about the past but also for truth about human nature and the human condition.
We need to make public arguments that touch directly upon the truth about human nature as available to human reason.
It is a merit of modern existentialist thinkers, including nontheists like Martin Heidegger and Jean - Paul Sartre, that they understand and insist upon this truth about human nature.
It is a view that takes authority to be a positive good rather than a necessary evil alone and in so doing preserves a truth about human nature and society that stands in danger of loss.
Authentic religion reveals the truth about human nature and motivates believers to defend each human life and ensure that every person is protected and allowed to flourish.
As Catholics, we are allowed to know the truth about human nature - and to rejoice in the fact that medical science is revealing more and more to us about it all the time.
The stories that inspire us most deeply have deep truths about human nature buried beneath the magic (and sometimes cheesiness).
For both Augustine and Hobbes the bellum omnium is a marginal case, illustrative of certain truths about human nature but not, except in situations of exceptional breakdown, actually descriptive of normal human existence.
He sees that he's being overtaken by sad, hard truths about human nature.
There are truths about human nature that only brutality in its rawest form can depict.
Taking place at the ends of the earth, or at least a remote stretch of Turkey, Nuri Bilge Ceylan's film follows a long night that seems to brush on all kinds of deep truths about human nature that remain just out of grasp.

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Another unfortunate truth about us and our human nature is to resist giving our self away to trust in someone outside of ourself.
This joint proclamation of certain truths about the nature of the human person and human community as created historical realities can not be accomplished, however, in a didactic way.
A hallmark of the Catholic tradition is that God's existence (though not His Trinitarian nature), the existence of the incorporeal soul (though not the nature of the after life and the beatific vision), the nature of the human person (though not the full truth about the indwelling of grace), and the natural law are all accessible to us without divine Revelation.
The saga showcases elements of truthtruth about the human experience, the cosmos, the character of a hero, and the nature of life itself.
Claiming to be not simply an accidental nineteenth - century invention but a timeless truth about human sexual nature, this framework puts on airs, deceiving those who adopt its distinctions into believing that they are worth far more than they really are.
And in thinking about our living and our dying, we must somehow see and think both truths about ourselves, we must distinguish but not separate these two perspectives on human nature.
But neither does she shy from addressing hard truths, for she knows that democracy, far from being a machine that runs of itself, is contingent upon truth and truths - about human nature, the dynamics of power, and what we can reasonably expect from history.
But they revealed truths about the nature of human people.
The church members find dialogue difficult because they rarely question their presuppositions about human nature or how truth is known.3 Yet, these things are similar in many ways.
Claiming to be not simply an accidental nineteenth - century invention but a timeless truth about human sexual nature, this framework puts on airs, deceiving those who adopt its labels into believing that such distinctions are worth far more than they really are.
... Since man enjoys the capacity for a free personal choice in truth... the right to religious freedom should be viewed as innate to the fundamental dignity of every human person... all people are «impelled by nature and also bound by our moral obligation to seek the truth, especially religious truth» (Second Vatican Council, Dignitatis Humanae, 2)... let me express my sincere hope that your expertise in the fields of law, political science, sociology and economics will converge in these days to bring about fresh insights on this important question andthus bear much fruit now and into the future.
But the more I studied Augustine, and began to cut my teeth on Aquinas, the more I wondered whether Christian theology could afford a metaphysically lean grammatical approach to truths about divine and human nature.
And a genuine appetite for spiritual love also disposes the human person to receive the fullness of the truth, including the truth about the nature of the human person and the normative content of the moral life.
In an era of wrenching human struggle under the heels of military might and the horrors of World War I, the experimental proof of the correctness of Einstein's notion of gravity and curved space showed the world that there were fundamental truths to be learned about nature and that the human mind and spirit could rise above all.
TECH CRUNCH - Nov 18 - Every few weeks OkCupid shares a few truths about the online dating scene and human nature in general.
Stories We Tell explores the elusive nature of truth and memory, but at its core is a deeply personal film about how our narratives shape and define us as individuals and families, all interconnecting to paint a profound, funny and poignant picture of the larger human story.
Logically, its supporters should be those who firmly believe that we should focus our efforts on repairing the characters of children rather than on transforming the environments in which they learn, those who assume the worst about human nature, those who are more committed to preserving than to changing our society, those who favor such values as obedience to authority, and those who define learning as the process of swallowing whole a set of preexisting truths.
As humans will never know any absolute truths about nature, we can only have our best approximations to build our fractured and faulty catalog of knowledge upon.
Humans will never know any absolute truths about nature we can only have our best approximations to build - up our fractured and faulty catalog of knowledge.
The first was with Steve Jones, Emeritus Professor of Human Genetics at University College, who led a review of the way the BBC itself reports science, about the changing nature of science reporting, while the second was with Richard Dawkins, Professor of evolutionary biology and David Willetts a former science minister, considering the «public's evolving relationship with science, evidence and truth».
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