Sentences with phrase «truth of a faith»

Similarly, you can't affirm the truth of a faith by how much good its proponents do.
I strongly believe that Catholicism provides an enduring witness to the truths of the faith.
I also hope and pray that some of these young people dedicate themselves to the truths of the faith and help guide human life into a revival of spirit and love as our Lord intended.
God has given us His Church to preserve the truths of the Faith — He guides it, so that it will guide us.
Reuters: Pope Benedict's third book on Jesus reaffirms doctrine of his virgin birth Pope Benedict published the last part of his trilogy on the life of Jesus on Tuesday, delivering an early childhood narrative which strongly reaffirms the doctrine of the virgin birth as an «unequivocal» truth of faith.
The polarization is so deep that when, in 1996, the late Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin founded the Catholic Common Ground Initiative as a means of addressing division in the church, he was criticized by some liberal Catholics who thought that the project was not radical enough and by some of his brother cardinals who believed that it jeopardized the essential truths of the faith.
If my reading is correct (and I hope I am wrong), in that respect Barr has followed the overwhelming trend of Catholic commentators on the question of neo-Darwinian evolution, who gladly discuss its compatibility with the truths of faith but seldom bother to discuss whether and how it is compatible with the truths of reason.
Each subsequent age contributes something (even if it be only through errors to be confuted) toward a deepening ofour understanding of the truths of the faith.
Cardinal Ratzinger made this clear in 1985: «Limbo was never a defined truth of faith» -LCB- The Ratzinger Report, Ignatius Press, 1985 p. 147).
So likewise Kierkegaard's dialectical understanding of faith establishes the subjective truth of faith as a consequence of the negation of objectivity, and the passion and inwardness of faith is established only by virtue of the absurdity of its objective meaning or ground.
We can witness passionately and confidently to the truth of our faith while leaving completely open the truth of other faiths.
Their trouble, he says, is that God gave them reason to guide them to the complex truths of faith, but they abused and disregarded this gift.
This applies particularly to the ultimate truth which man wants to find or to receive, whether we call it the truth of religion or the truth of faith or anything else.
To reason, the truth of faith is unpalatable, for it does not give a «taste» of God.
We were not confident enough in the truth of our faith to subject it to any single account of what truth is....
Throughout, Weinandy imaginatively engages the Christian tradition in a way that respects the truths of faith as a «mystery» to be explored rather than as «problems» to be solved, thus giving to his entire work the character of intelligently believing humility.
theology's purpose is to give a «rational account of the truth of faith,» as Pannenberg stated in his essay «Faith and Reason» (Basic Questions in Theology, Volume 11 [Fortress, 197 11, pp. 52 - 53).
Don't fall into the trap to know everything the Bible says but be ignorant of the battle and not really have a understanding the real truth of your faith.
The difference in Wojtyla's case is that this challenge is accessed from the inside, from the lived consciousness of «I.» That is why Wojtyla expresses the challenge in terms of a «situating» in the self of the timeless truths of the faith through thoroughly formed «consciousness and attitudes.»
Though the model of the Church as defending the ancient truths of faith against the attacks of modern atheism may have been the correct model during the years of Communist persecution, the contemporary, post-Communist Czech Church continues to maintain the model in massively changed times.
it not only presupposes the truth of faith and pure doctrine, but also calls for that truth to be situated in the human consciousness and calls for a definition of the attitude, or rather the many attitudes, that go to make the individual a believing member of the Church.
, «What is the real meaning of this or that truth of faith
We know as followers of Jesus that God is faithful — that is one of the foundational truths of our faith.
When the Orthodox theologian John Meyendorff described the difference between Tradition and traditions, he contrasted the living truths of the faith received in fellowship with the triune God over against its various cultural embodiments.
He went out into the streets to speak the truth of his faith to as many people as possible.
It is these two factors, we would argue, which have to be addressed and somehow synthesised with the traditional truths of the faith if Catholic theology is to emerge from the quagmire into which it has descended.
Not only is the liturgy a true source of spiritual life; it is also the means par excellence to preserve and profess the truths of the faith.
He advised priests: «Preach to the people with simplicity and piety; give them the truths of the faith and the precepts of the Church; tell them the meaning of virtue and the danger of vice.»
Thomas doubted for eight days - he publicly denied a truth of the faith taught by the Magisterium [of Peter!].
What I think has happened in the past sixty years or so is that too many Catholics have lost their confidence in both the truths of faith and the truths of reason; we've lost our confidence in the analytic and synthetic power of our own tradition.
It took a real effort on my part to keep calling myself to the truths of my faith, which says that however he was behaving, in God's eyes he was just as precious as my little girl, and that's a hard thing to accept when you're having to deal with the loss of somebody that's so dear to you.
Their fidelity to the faith and their acceptance of the truths of the faith are based less on obedience to their pastors than on understanding and conviction.
This substantial unity of man which is not a conjunction of already existing things, but holds variety in unity as the realization and accomplishment of one essence, is not only a defined truth of faith, but is a fundamental presupposition of the Christian understanding of man, his world and the history of his redemption.
What should draw us is the truth of faith in Jesus Christ and not so much the charism of people.
Is the creation of the soul of man at the beginning of the history of humanity and at the beginning of the individual life of each particular person, as this is understood by traditional Christian philosophy and the Church's magisterium (as a truth of faith), an exceptional, extraordinary occurrence whose special ontological features contradict everything that is otherwise understood regarding the relation of the first cause to second causes?
The creeds and the defined truths of faith, even those of most recent times, are not subjects of free discussion within the Church, nor have they become such through Vatican II.
Because they engage so many of our wholesome affections, because they have a media monopoly on the consolations of Christianity, because they are chary of speaking the hard truths of our faith, Skimpoles continue to win support from inside and outside the Church.
Recognising the analogy between truths of faith and truths of reason (DS 3016) and wishing to make faith's truths more relevant and intelligible to believers, they showed how supernatural truths accord with experience.
And such subordination requires explicit, institutional recognition of the truth of the faith and the authority of the spiritual power, precisely because we are dealing here with the subordination of one common good to another.
He must decide what is the kernel of the gospel, and what is merely the outward husk which has been shaped by human imagination, by traditional interpretation, by the tendency to produce credal formulae, by the subsequent historical consolidation of the truths of faith.
Can theology point to anything comparably rigorous and objective as a context for testing the truth of faith's trust in the self - emptying mystery of God and the promises given to us in revelation?
Marianne: I think it is very important that catechists be convinced of the truth of the faith for themselves.
Mueller exudes an air of quiet authority — a man convinced not only of the truth of the Faith but of the Church's responsibility to teach and uphold it.
When these two pretensions simply confront each other, they constitute an unbridgeable canyon between what some call the «truths of faith» and others call the «truths of reason.»
The truth of faith as assensus is that, finally, I don't think we can give our hearts to something that our heads reject.
Berkouwer rightly sees that the challenge of the nouvelle théologie was taken up by John XXIII in his opening address to the Second Vatican Council in a much - discussed statement: «The deposit or the truths of faith, contained in our sacred teaching, are one thing, while the mode in which they are enunciated, keeping the same meaning and the same judgment, is another.»
They consider religion essential to cultural integration, but their primary concern is not with the truth of faith but with the order of society.
Berkouwer is correct that a linguistic formulation expressing a truth of faith can not express or communicate that truth without an appropriate context.
Some found it possible to test their faith by reason; we found it possible to find faith because the deepest truth of faith is not contrary to reason — it may be reason in ecstasy.
With respect to the ministerial priesthood, he confesses belief in the real presence of Christ in the eucharist, but he also states that «our pastor's theologically astute and spiritually evocative sermons convey the... truths of the faith....
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