Sentences with phrase «try airplane mode»

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I try not to check my phone in the mornings so I'll put it on airplane mode and keep it in a separate room while I'm doing my wake - up routine.
If you let your child play with your phone, trying switching it to airplane mode before handing it over.
The biggest thing I do is — I'm trying to do and working on it is one, throwing your phone or iPad into airplane mode, and then also clicking the night time button.
I try to put my phone on airplane mode (or do not disturb mode) at around 7:00 or 7:30.
There are several triggers to lock the phone including turning on airplane mode, turning off wifi, data service, and cellular service, trying to shutdown the device, and performing a soft reset.
We tried several pairs of headphones and found that they were both affected by the Wi - Fi - in airplane mode playing a video from the memory this isn't a problem, but streaming a movie over Wi - Fi can be frustrating.
In one of my initial tests, I went for a walk with the phone on airplane mode, and tried to send text messages and use Siri to initiate phone calls through the Watch.
Try flipping the phone into Aeroplane / Airplane mode and back again.
Try to shut out distractions and dedicate your best hours to searching; turn off the TV if you have to and put your phone on airplane mode for a couple of hours.
(If their phone is on «airplane mode» it won't ping all night) Have them find one or two they like before they go to bed, so they aren't getting frustrated trying to find one in the middle of the night.
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